
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Going down in flames by Chris cannon Review & Giveaway

Going Down in Flames
by Chris Cannon
Release Date: 06/30/14
Entangled Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
If her love life is going down in flames, she might as well spark a revolution.

Finding out on your sixteenth birthday you’re a shape-shifting dragon is tough to swallow. Being hauled off to an elite boarding school is enough to choke on.

Since Bryn is the only crossbreed at the Institute for Excellence, all eyes are on her, but it’s a particular black dragon, Zavien, who catches her attention.

Zavien is tired of the Council’s rules. Segregated clans, being told who to love, and close-minded leaders make freedom of choice almost impossible. The new girl with the striped hair is a breath of fresh air, and with Bryn’s help, they may be able to change the rules.

At the Institute, old grudges, new crushes, and death threats are all part of a normal day for Bryn. She’ll need to learn to control her dragon powers if she wants to make it through her first year at school. But even focusing on staying alive is difficult when you’re falling for someone you can't have.

 Buy Links:
Barnes and Noble

Jennifer's Review:
The whole dragon concept was definitely different. When I read the summary I didn't know if I would like it but the cover was pretty awesome so I thought I'd check it out. Well I am glad that I did because this book was great. The dragon "colors" and then how everyone is divided by their "color" including dorms and social reminds me a little of the houses from Harry potter ( mainly bc they house them all together at the institute -- ie school)  but taken to the next level and with a twist-- you don't get to choose. You are born whatever kind of dragon and can only marry a dragon of the same kind---well if that just isn't bad enough-- the marriages are pre determined by linage -- yep arranged marriages! 
Now we get to Bryn --a product of a banned union -- a mix of two dragon races. Bryn was an awesome heroine. She was full of life, had a distinct and great personality and was pretty proactive. She was also very sassy and had a firey temper - LOL. I really liked this heroine.
Zavian - I liked him and expected more from him --  I felt as annoyed with him at times just like Bryn did. I hope in book 2 that annoying part of him gets flushed out and that I love him.
Ivy & Clint - Adorable together and good/true friends to Bryn. All around good and real relationship between the two of them and with Bryn.
Jaxson - He played is role better and I hope we get more into his side of things in a future book.
Merrick - when you first meet Merrick you think you are never going to like this guy -- but oh how you do! Takes a good author in my opinion to sway me from thinking someone is "slimy" to "adorable".
Romance -- there is an undercurrent of romance in this book but it does not play center stage at all. I hope to see something stronger in the next book.

The one item that kinda through me off was how quickly Bryn and thus the reader finds out that she is a dragon. We didn't really get any time to know Bryn and we and Bryan are literally thrown into learning a ton of information! And then she really seems to accept all this information in stride which seemed a bit unrealistic. Perhaps if we would of known Bryn more at this point in the story it would of seemed more realistic. BUT -- I accepted it and kept going and was VERY happy I did! Chris does do a good job of letting us get to know Bryn and by the time Bryn was settled into school I felt I knew her pretty well.

The book looks like its a stand alone book but I am hoping there will be a sequel because I think this Dragon World and the characters has a lot to be explored! Also, the ending is very abrupt and leaves a lot to be answered--not in love with this ending unless there is a 2nd book coming! If a second book is coming then I can't wait and I will totally be picking it up when its released!

About the Author

I love reading and writing snarky, kick-butt characters who take on the world and win.

My truths: You can never have too many books, shoes, or purses.

Coffee is the Elixir of Life.

 There should be a National Nerf Bat Day where you are allowed to whack annoying people upside the head.


Author Links:


Giveaway:   a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Thank you for taking the time to review Going Down In Flames. Book 2 is on my editor's desk. It should be out this winter.
