
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spellbound Series by Nikki Jefford

Enchantment (Spellbound #3)

Goodreads summary:
Graylee Perez returned from the dead, took on a duplicate, and now faces her biggest adventure yet.
Summer escape.
Or so Gray thought until her old adversary, Adrian Montez, brings his magic show to Spain.
Gray seeks out a Spanish wizard to help banish Adrian from her life once and for all. Instead, she tumbles headfirst into a love spell with the arrogant warlock.
When old enemies close in on them, Gray must face her true feelings and decide if Adrian's worth fighting for and, more importantly, whether he's worthy of her heart.

GoodReads Link
 Jennifer's Review:
In the first book Entangled, we meet Gray and Charlene: twin witches who end up sharing a body. In book two Duplicity, Gray is duplicated, so now there are two Gray's and there should only be one. Now on to the last book in this series, Enchantment. In some series the last book may you leave you unsatisfied. That is NOT the case in the spellbound series. I liked Entanglement and Duplicity books in this series but I loved Enchantment and why???? Nikki took a character that I really didn't like when we were first introduced to him and totally made me fall for him in book 3. That character is.... Adrian. Adrian Montez is arrogant, powerful, mysterious,unpredictable and at the same time sweet, lonely and damaged. As we get more into Adrian's past in this book we along with Graylee Perez fall fast for him.  Nikkii ends this series with a bang and I truly did like the ending -- I didn't want it to end but I liked how she tied it up (and we know we don't always like the ending to a series).

In this book we follow duplicate Graylee (known as "Gray")  to Barcelona, Spain -- she is attending a "magical retreat" where the use of magic is not permitted. She is here to escape her past and to figure out her future. The other Graylee (" Lee"), Raj, and her mom are all back home. Gray is having a great time exploring the city of Barcelona and has made some wonderful friends. She is away from her old life and is happy until her friends take her for her birthday to see a Magician and who is this Magician?????   Adrian the Avenger! Gray  LESS THAN excited to see Adrian - in fact she thougth she would never see him again and never wanted to. After seeing Adrian Gray decides to take matters into her own hands to get Adrian to leave ---but before she can get some help with a spell that will keep him away forever someone casts a love spell on her and she falls in love with none other than the ones she wants to leave... Adrian

So I don't want to spoil the story but it takes on a whirlwind tour from here on out and it was fantastic!

Adrian -- In the last two books, Adrian was a side character that was causing trouble everywhere he went. Nikki built up his role nicely in books 1 and 2. But in this book -- he takes the center stage. Adrian has true feelings for Gray, and I really LOVED where Nikki took Adrian's character. We got to explore a softer, loving, more vulnerable side of Adrian. A totally new perspective on Adrian then what we saw in the last two books.

Gray -- Great female lead! And then put her under that love spell and it was pretty amusing.

Adrian's Nan -- She is back and definitely has a mischievous side but she also does what she does out of love. What's not to like?

Charlene - Yep she comes back! I couldn't stand Charlene before -- (She killed Grey --sure on accident --but still really felt no remorse). In Enchantment, she is Charlene with a twist. A better version of Charlene (no 180 turn with her personality). And this time instead of hating her I enjoyed reading more about her and seeing her actually taking a turn for the better.

We do get a cameo appearance of Raj and Lee -- which going into this book was a must for me. But Nikki made this book all its own that was very happy with the focus being on Gray & Adrian.

About the Author:

Nikki Jefford is the author of the bestselling SPELLBOUND trilogy and AURORA SKY:VAMPIRE HUNTER. She's a third generation Alaskan who now resides in Bellingham, WA where she is, once more, neighbors with Canada.

Nikki Jefford website

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