
Monday, February 3, 2014

How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon-Review

How to Marry an Alien
by Magan Vernon
Release Date:  November 18, 2012

From Goodreads:
Alex’s interstellar relationship has finally been sealed in the eyes of the human world, so now she can move on to her next step: college. 

With Ace by her side and a new piece of jewelry on her finger, she thinks she is ready for anything. Well, almost anything.
Her new roommate holds a dangerous link to her past that Alex isn't sure if she can handle. Then there is the whole alien fiancĂ© thing. Every time she tries to get closer to Ace, he seems to pull further away. Top that off with a full summer class load and a few more alien attacks and it’s just another day for Alex. 

Except this time she isn’t sure if marrying an alien will be the happy ending she’s hoping for.

**While the first two alien books were mildly tame, this book is a little different. I'm not saying it's Fifty Shades or anything, but Alex is eighteen, she's going off to college and she's been with her alien boyfriend for a year; there is guranteed to be some heat. I'm recommending this for upper YA/New Adult readers.**

Meredith's Review:

Backpacks, Birkenstocks, and Boom-Boom Blockers
Oh my, this book is worth the read if for no other reason than the term Boom-Boom Blockers. Need I say more? I just love Magan Vernon’s humor and wit. This series really satisfied my love of aliens and my need for all-things-goofy. So, yes Magan Vernon you have a new fangirl!

So our happy little couple is all cutesy and in love again after a psycho-alien ex tried to destroy their relationship. Eeek. But now it’s time for Alex to go off to college (after all they can’t get married until she graduates….the whole peace treaty thing ya know). Ace comes into town to make the cross-country drive with Alex and settle her in at school (and much closer to him). A few kisses and hugs from the parental units later and the two are off to new adventures. The drive is long, boring, and then……
OMG! What was that? Alex flips their SUV and the road trip comes to a screeching halt. Thankfully Circe reinforcements show up and gets them out of the vehicle. But Ace…something is wrong with Ace! While he’s carted off to Circe, Alex is taken to school. She still has to settle in to the dorm and get ready for her first class. But what about Ace??
Once Alex is assured Ace is being treated and will be ok, she gives in and checks in at school. Meet new roommate, Lucy. I Love Lucy! Seriously, why didn’t I ever get a roommate like her in college? Lover of Birkenstocks, driver of a Volkswagen Thing (how awesome is that), and girlfriend to Riley………WHAT!?! Crazy Riley who held a gun to Alex’s head you say? Yup, one in the same.
But this is the new-and-improved, memory-wiped Riley. She’s fun, kind, and caring. What is THAT all about? Is it a set-up? Does she actually remember Alex and is trying to fulfill some evil plot? It sure seems fishy that of all the colleges and all the roommates in the world, Alex is bunking with crazy Riley’s new girlfriend.
Everyone else urges Alex to let it go (easier said then done when the girl tried to kill her). Alex doesn’t think she can, but then she does have other problems. Suddenly she’s like the Kim Kardashian of the inter-galactic tabloid kind. Being asked for an autograph by a purple space creature is her new normal. There’s also the whole “my boyfriend beams into my room but I can’t get into his pants” problem too. Could it be that Ace doesn’t really want to go through with the marriage? Or is it fate since just about every time they get close the ultimate Boom-Boom Blocker, Lucy walks in? (How hard is it to remember to put the sock on the door Alex?)
Ace is hiding something from Alex, but it’s not at all what she thinks. Every time they get close to sealing the deal, he backs off. When he finally tells her the truth, it definitely wasn’t what I expected. And there’s one teeny little detail he leaves out. Who am I kidding it’s HUGE!
So with marriage plans still on, boom-boom blockers handled, and a friendship with Riley developing, everything is ready for the happily ever after. Well, at least until wedding dress shopping is involved. Who is that lurking in the bridal shop? I won’t give it away, but this someone and their partner in crime worked very hard to get rid of Alex. A lot of events since she left for college were put into motion by these two and they won’t get let anyone spoil their efforts. The confrontation that goes down just made me go:

Your favorite characters all make an appearance in this final book of the trilogy. We see Alex’s who family, all of the interns, Monte (who is convinced he can swing Lucy the other way LOL), Simone, Brody, Gemma (the whole high school crew), and more. It’s a fantastic sendoff with each character getting some fun attention.
I really adore this series. I love the humor, the aliens, Alex, and of course the scrumptious Ace. It’s a light, fun read that is pure entertainment. Guyliner Lovers Unite! Beam Me Up Ace!

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I hear about this series! it sounds awesome!
