
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review-The Academy: Forgiveness and Permission by CL Stone

The Academy Forgiveness & Permission
By CL Stone
Release Date October 29, 2013

From Goodreads:
Sang Sorenson’s abusive mother is secure in a hospital, and her father has vanished to a new family of his own, leaving Sang and her sister to fend for themselves. Sang is hanging by a thread, and her only hope is a group of boys she feels she barely knows.

She’s never really alone. The Academy team has stepped in, promising to protect and care for Sang. Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North take over, showing Sang they can be depended on for anything. But just because the parents are away, doesn’t mean Sang’s life has become any easier.

The newfound freedom will have a higher price than any of them had imagined.

Principal Hendricks now wants to use Sang to exploit Academy secrets. Mr. McCoy has his own dark plans for her. Enemies are closing in. Sang will need to learn to believe in the boys, and the boys will need to learn to trust her if they want to survive their rivals.

And each other.

The Academy, Relentless Trust

Author Links:

Meredith's Review:

Okay, so it's no secret that I am totally obsessed with this series. Every time a new book releases I devour it in a day and then pine over the next one until it comes out. I don't know how C.L. Stone does it, but she has totally forced me to completely fall for this crazy group of characters. EVERY ONE OF THEM! 

The boys have proven they will always be there for her time and time again, but now Sang needs them even more. I am always blown away by Sang's ability to still manage to see so much good in the world with all she's had to deal with. How can she still care for the woman her abused her, the father who abandoned her, and the sister who deliberately stood by and let her endure so much pain? This girl is so strong and amazing! The small things she keeps from the boys to avoid complicating their lives even further, is so selfless and

In this book we watch the group grow closer. And I mean....closer. I can't believe I am actually hoping she kisses all of them? Wait...what? Well, I can't help it. I love them all, she loves them all, how on earth can you really pick just one? They are all so different and offer unique support to this broken girl that I suddenly find myself jumping from one team to the next with each turn of the page. Deep down there is even a part of me that hopes she never chooses one. I don't think I could handle the total heartbreak the others would suffer. I mean, if we are being honest, this is the most unhealthy group dynamic ever...but at the same time it's the most loving, most pure form of friendship I've ever seen. 

We've all read love triangles and rolled our eyes over the "choice" the heroine had to make. But somehow C.L. Stone has weaved this love-decagon that feels so natural, so real, and so powerful. I can honestly say I've never felt so strongly for SO many characters in one novel before. It's truly amazing how the author pulls you in to each individual encounter and makes you focus only on the two involved. How is that even possible??

Now this book isn't all lovey-dovey. Things are getting pretty wild, especially where Mr. McCoy is involved. He is seriously one creepy dude. And his fixation on Sang is crazy, psycho type stuff. But the Academy is always one step ahead of the bad guy....right? Or what if they aren't? What if this time, they are one step behind?

As I'm writing this review I am highly anticipating Drop of Doubt, which comes out Wednesday WOOT! And if you haven't seen it, check out the trailer for the next installment is this crazy-bizarre-totally-addictive series HERE. And click on a cover below to see our reviews on the first three books in the series.


Oh, and in case I forgot to mention...that ending...OMG!

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