
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feature & Follow Resolution Edition!

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week an activity:

Put together your Blogger Resolution list and share.

Do I dare admit I haven't really thought about it? I've never been one to make resolutions, but maybe that's because I break them too quickly. But now that I've thought about it, there are a few things I'd like to do with the blog and blogging in general this year:

1) Comment more on other blogger posts.
     I used to be so much better at this, but then that little thing called life got in the way. For 
     record, I do visit a LOT of blogs each week. I just haven't commented as much as I like. I 
     hope to change that and really give meaningful comments more often. 
2)  Offer more posts for writers.
     I LOVE reviewing books. That's why I started all of this. But with the day job, I also feel 
     like I could really do things to help out aspiring writers out there. I've been in the
     submission pile, I've seen the mistakes. I would love to help writers on their road to 
     publication whether through posts about querying or maybe even a few pitch contests.
3)  Get back to reviewing the books I want to read.
     Ok, I know that sounds weird. It's not like I don't like the books I review, but I've spent a lot
     of time signing up for blog tours (that I love doing). My TBR list has gotten way to long and
     there are books I've been DYING to read for a long time. I want to go back to that list and
     read those books that I want to read just for me and share my thoughts on them. I'm not
     saying I don't want to do tours, because I love doing them. But I want to remember to 
     read other books too LOL.
4)  Do more joint blog contests or review parties.
      I love doing things with other bloggers! Especially when it has to do with books we both
      adore. I think it's so much fun to offer a joint giveaway or fun posts about a book or new
      release with other blogs. It's great exposure for everyone involved and it's just fun.

Well, those are my top four resolutions. There are a lot of things I want to do with the blog and hopefully there will be some fun changes coming soon. I can't wait to read what everyone else came up with. I'm sure I'll be "borrowing" some of the resolutions!!

Happy Friday and Stay Gold!


  1. Hopping through. I need to be better about commenting. I've fallen off the boat this past year.
    My FF

    1. It's easy to do sadly. Thanks for stopping by ;)

  2. I need to comment more as well!! I'm trying to meet blogging friends, because I'm a baby blogger! But I'm a new follower via gfc!

    Pivot Book Reviews FF

    1. Yay for new bloggers!! That is awesome. Stopping by now ;)

    2. I know! It's so exciting! Thanks for visiting! :)

  3. I also want to try out reviewing with a lot of people at once. I'm actually going to do my first joint review this month and I'm really excited for it. I'm also aiming for more blogger friends, since I've been blogging for a while now and have actually only made a few really good friends. I'm a new bloglovin' follower!

    My F&F Post

    1. It's so much fun to do ;) And it is definitely a great way to get to know more bloggers!

  4. Ooh nice set of goals! Hope you accomplish them all beyond your imaginings! ;) Good luck!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. We'll see how long I make it before I break one LOL.

  5. Yes, I want to comment more. I read but I don't always comment on posts. I need to change this.
    Here is my FF

    Have a great weekend.

    1. I do the same. I read a ton of posts, but then don't seem to have enough time to leave a meaningful comment.

  6. Great resolutions. I want to do all of these :)

    Happy Friday!

    My FF

  7. I totally agree with getting back to the books you want to read. I am in a terrible slump right now and I think that's why. Good luck with your goals and have a great week.

    My FF

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

    1. I JUST read one that was so on my TBR list. It felt really good. That is a definite one I don't want to break.

  8. Hello,
    Just stopping by for FF :). Joint reviewing sounds good. I want to try that. I am following you via GFC. You can see my FF at

    Happy FF

    1. So glad you came by ;) I'll be hopping through in a few. Can't wait to see your resolutions!

  9. Great Resolutions!
    I could definitely comment on other's posts more!
    Good Luck!
    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin

    1. It's something we all probably should do more ;) Some days we will do more than others though.

  10. Thanks for stopping by! And Welcome!!
