
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Review by Jennifer- The Academy Friends VS. Family by C.L. Stone

Title: The Academy Friends vs. Family
Author: C.L. Stone
Publisher:  Arcato Publishing
Publish Date: August 27, 2013

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From Goodreads
Sang Sorenson is forced to suffer through another of her mother’s extreme punishments. It almost kills her. The Academy boys vow it will be the last. They're determined to keep Sang safe, especially from her own family. 

Their solution: complete invasion of her life.

Kota, Luke, Silas, Nathan, Victor, Gabriel and North do everything within their power to show Sang what true loyalty means. It takes more than blood to make a family and they want Sang in theirs.
In this third book of The Academy series Sang experiences a taste of freedom and what it’s like to truly be cared be wanted. Sang learns a bit more about the boys’ broken families and the boys discover more than they could ever have bargained for about Sang’s. The Academy was the answer to their problems. Could it be hers?

Sang’s actions will force her mother to reveal a startling truth. A truth that will change Sang’s life and the boys’ lives in unpredictable ways. Forever.

The Academy, Allegiance

Jennifer's Review: Tell me More, Tell me More :-)
Well, I LOVE this series.  In the first book, Introductions, we get just overview of every character. It definitely left me wanting more. Luckily Book 2- The Academy "First Days was already out. (or else I might of gone crazy). I think I zipped through that in a couple of days....if that. It was just THAT GOOD. We get to know a little more about all the characters, their secrets, the normal high school problems they encounter: bullying, fitting in, finding your place, all the while the mysterious "Academy" looms in the background. At this point I have to say that I am totally 100% Team Kota even though I do love each of the boys in a different way because they all just really great! I was not happy that I had to wait for book three to come out because I am hooked on these characters and can't wait to find out what happens next.

So on August 27th I was rewarded with the third book in the series "Friends vs. Family". The boys really step up to the plate to help Sang in this book. They offer her love, hope and salvation from an otherwise isolated and painful life. We do get some answered questions about Sang's parents (what's going on with her mom and why is her Dad never there)-- along with some more questions of course :-). We also get some insight into the boy's past and why they react the way they do -- which I enjoyed. We do learn more about how the Academy is run but still not exactly what it is. I am hoping for some more insight in book 4.

So are their any romantic connections between the boys and Sang? A few come to light in this book and I still 100% cheering for my favorite boy, Kota. :-)

There were some truly really funny moments in this book -- I loved shopping with the boys at the mall!
There were some really upsetting moments in this book too - (I won't spoil anything here)
And the boys were amazing through it all, thankfully Sang has them!

The ending was perfect as C.L. Stone changes the POV and she changes it to my own personal fav boy, Kota. I hope for more of this in the upcoming books because it was perfect to hear exactly how he was feeling.

So my vote is for more POVs by the boys so we can see where each of the boys is coming from and how they really feel!

I CAN'T WAIT FOR OCTOBER so I can continue finding more I love about all the characters :-)

I love each of the characters for different reasons and C.L.Stone does a wonderful job describing them that I have my own vivid perfect picture of each of the "boys" in my head. I am not sure any real photo will do them justice but here is Meredith's and my best EFFORT at what they look like in our minds!


  1. Ahhh! I've never heard of this series! adding to my TBR list!

  2. Hey I was wondering whether you could send me this book to read. It's not available in the store and I want to read it so much.

    1. Hey Alexa! The author mentioned this on Facebook and said to email if you still can't access a copy. If you can't access Facebook, send me an email through the contact form and I will send you the email address. :)

  3. The third book is not available in iTunes Store.

  4. I just started reading this series and am already addicted. can't wait for book five to come out. Team Kota!
