
Monday, September 16, 2013

The Thief Redeemer by Leigh Clary Abdou

The Thief Redeemer by Leigh Clary Abdou
Release date: September 9th, 2013

Brandon Wilson is trouble.

As leader of the largest car theft ring in Atlanta, GA, life is coming at him faster than he can handle. While the criminal world views him at the top of his game, the truth is, he’s breaking apart, piece by piece. He’s not sure how much more he can take before he completely shatters.

He’s able to manage this facade until he meets Claire Peters. As a part of a kidnapping scheme gone bad, she’s literally delivered right to his warehouse door. As his love for her grows, Brandon finds himself caught in an impossible dilemma. With his lifestyle, he knows he can’t keep Claire, and yet, he can’t risk letting her go, either. His men think he should make her disappear forever, but she’s his angel who still believes in second chances.

Can someone be so lost they’re beyond saving? And if salvation is possible, how does Claire show him the way?

Can a thief be redeemed?


From his trunk, he pulls two bodies that are clearly women with sackcloth over their heads. Damn, they have some good-looking bodies. Carlos is going to shit a brick when I show him what he gets to “take care of” for the next couple of weeks. I turn two barrels over upside down and place them beside each other. All the employees have stopped their work, and now all the attention is on the two females being lead to the barrels. I signal to Richard to let them sit. He sits them down. They are deathly still. Their hands are handcuffed together in the front and they are both in jeans and designer tops.

“Looks like we’ve hit the jackpot. Maybe we shouldn’t kidnap, but we should ransom,” I say looking over at the designer clothes and shoes. I raise my voice for all the workers to hear. “Let this be a lesson to all of you. This is what happens when you cross me. This is what will happen to your wives and daughters. Got that?” I yell it loud, and I notice one of the girls starts to tremble. Good. I need to instill the fear of God in these two as well. A few of the employees nod, but most look down at the ground in fear. “I didn’t hear any of you. YOU GOT THAT?”

I hear a low grumble throughout the warehouse, and I know that I have their attention. “Okay, Carlos. Do the honors since I’m putting you in charge.” He walks over to the girls with a sick grin on his face and I can only wonder what’s going through his deranged mind. He steps up to them and lifts off the sackcloths simultaneously.

The first sight I see are those blue eyes; the ones that look into the depths of my soul. Next, it’s the blonde hair.
Sitting right in front of me is Claire. 

About the Author
Leigh Clary Abdou is a graduate from the University of Georgia and wrote her first book in the third grade. That story, along with a collection of poems and other books, can still be found in their original location - a purple Trapper Keeper.

When Leigh isn’t writing, she’s reading or watching reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. She considers being a wife and mother her life’s greatest accomplishments.

The Thief Redeemer is her debut novel.

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