
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Review-Rushing Into Love by Ashelyn Drake

Rushing Into Love by Ashelyn Drake
Published: September 10, 2013
Publisher: S.B. Addison Books

From Goodreads:

As a college junior, Mindy Stanton has no interest in dating a freshman.

That is until Ben Whitmore shows up and serenades his way into her heart at the dorm social she’s running. And after hearing him sing, even Mindy can’t deny that he has a deep, sexy voice that makes her melt.

Even though Mindy makes it clear that she doesn’t date younger guys, Ben pursues her anyway. After all, he doesn’t seem like the typical college freshman, who is only interested in hooking up, partying until he can’t remember his name, or joining a frat. He’s a gentleman, a romantic, and definitely knows all the right things to say to sweep a girl off her feet.

So Mindy drops her guard. She allows herself to fall for him. Before she knows it, Ben is all she can think about. To her, he’s perfect.

But it doesn’t take Mindy long to discover that even the most perfect guys…

Have secrets. 

Meredith's Review:

A whirlwind romance full of passion, emotion, and broken hearts.

Y’all already know that I’m a huge fan of this series. I love revisiting the college years; the rollercoaster of emotions, the new found freedom, and all the firsts that come with making decisions all on your own. Each book in this series makes me smile back on my own college experience.

Mindy is the responsible R.A., a junior who is over the crazy antics of the incoming freshman-been there, done that. She’s watched a few girls on her floor meet the perfect guy, and she’s ready for her turn. Only she’s looking for someone more like her, you know someone who’s over partying all the time, someone with a future beyond the next kegger.

In walks Ben. He sweeps her off her feet by serenading her at a freshman social. He’s tall, dark, gorgeous, he can major problem though. He's a freshman! Her head tells her to run for the hills, but her heart and her body want her to give in. Besides, Ben is so into her. It’s obvious by the romantic lengths he goes to in order to win her over. So she vetoes her head and gives in. All is perfect with the world…..or is it?

I really liked Mindy. As much as I adore every female character in this series I definitely relate the most to her. She’s sensible and responsible. I love her relationship with Mike (who is so stinkin’ cute….here’s hoping the next story is his). I fell for Ben right along with her and even wanted to shout at her to just go for it.

Ben is the dream guy. He’s THAT guy who can say the cheesiest pick up line and still make every girl swoon. Admit it; we’ve all known someone like him. It’s hard to not fall for him.

I enjoyed catching up with old favorites Andy, Noelle, and Julia. It’s nice to see they are all doing well. Missed Darren, but since he’s banned from being around Julia on campus it was expected.

I can’t rave enough about this series. Each book is a fun, quick read that will touch your heart and make you smile. If your college years are behind you like me, you will remember how wonderful and life changing those days were. And if you aren’t there yet or are just now experiencing it, you will laugh along with the mistakes, triumphs, and embarrassing moments these characters experience as they navigate the waters of their first steps into adulthood.

Now, for a little fun inspired by Ben. If you’ve never seen Top Gun, what planet are you on  it is a timeless movie that will always claim the rights to the best karaoke scene ever. And yes, there was a time when Tom Cruise was just freakin’ awesome!

About the Author
New Adult and Young Adult romance author represented by Lauren Hammond of ADA Management Group. Look for her upcoming N.A. title, Romancing the R.A. (S.B. Addison Books, 2013).
Where to find Ashelyn Drake:
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  1. I love this review! Thank you so much, Meredith. And wouldn't you know, the final installment, which will be a FREE prequel, stars Mike! So yay! I'm so glad you were hoping that would be the case.

    Thank you again for just getting this series so well. I feel like your reviews mimic what was in my mind while I was writing the books. That's such a great feeling for me. :-)

    1. Yay! I can't wait to learn more about Mike. But installment?!? No! I want more!!!

  2. Oh this sounds like a great series! I love when the hero is a 'nice guy' for a change. And he serenades her? OMG he sounds perfect! Romancing The RA is the first in the series, right? Do you have to read that one first?

    1. Yes, RA is the first. It's a really cute series. They are all stand alones, but all of the characters turn up a bit in each of the novels. They are novellas, so quick reads. I just loved Ben. Definitely my fave guy. ;)
