
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group

PURPOSE:  To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

POSTING:  The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer – aim for a dozen new people each time.

Visit Alex J. Cavanaugh’s blog for more information and to sign up!


So this is my first time joining the Insecure Writers Group. I’ve seen the badge many times and read up on posts for quite a while. I just started my blog about a month ago and decided to jump in. I just love the writing community and the support I see through various blog and on Twitter. Okay, enough with the mush and on to the insecurities.

With the kids home for the summer I haven’t gotten as much writing done as I’d like. It stinks when I get on a roll and have to deal with the constant (and I mean every eight seconds) interruptions. At first it drove me crazy, but then I decided to let it go. There’s nothing I can do about it, so why fight it. Unfortunately I do my best writing during the day and I’ve accepted the fact that I’m probably not going to get a whole lot done until August 20th!

With that said, I did get some amazing edits done this past week. I won a critique recently and while I was nervous to get the notes back, it was fantastic. The report was honest and thorough. I realized I have an obsession with the word “just,” and it really is annoying. It’s funny, I have read several MSS for my internship this past week and I can easily pick out things that drag the story down (pages of adverbs, passive voice, sudden change of name in a MC, etc), but I don’t notice the same things in my MS. For example, I randomly changed tenses on page 5 for some reason, only to switch back on page 6. How did I miss that? I’ve read my pages a least 500 times and I never discovered such a glowing error.

I felt like such goof for her, a published and successful author, to discover a silly error like that. But she was so supportive. She told me what she liked and gave me tips on how to improve things. Her notes sent me on an editing spree and I’m so happy with the results. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll get up the nerve (and feel that my MS is polished enough if that is ever possible) to enter one of the writing contests coming up. I love watching them, reading the amazing stories out there, then seeing the agents make requests. It’s so exciting. A girl can dream, right?

If any of y'all do show up on the contest circuit let me know. I am a great cheerleader and love to see the success of fellow aspiring writers :) I try to keep an updated list on the Contest Circuit page of all the upcoming opportunities. 

And I wish all of y'all with upcoming releases huge congrats. You give those of us dreamers hope and inspiration. 

I hope everyone has a great week. Happy 4th of July! 


  1. I just joined the IWSG last night, so it's my first post too. :)

    It's funny the words we discover we tend to use a lot. Thank goodness for critiques! :)

    I hope you are able to find some writing time soon! Before August. :)

    1. So excited to meet another newbie! And I hope I can find some writing time too. One good thing, when I do I use it a lot more wisely than before. I suddenly accomplish more in ten minutes than I usually do in two hours LOL.

  2. It's true that critique partners can pick up on errors that we've overlooked when drafting. You get so close to your own writing that you don't notice annoying word habits until someone else points them out - that's why it's great to have as many people read it as possible!

    1. I'm still working on that part. I look forward to sharing more and expanding CPs once I have the time to give back 100%.

  3. You have a fresh, uplifting blog here. Some blogs are so loaded down with graphics, I can't even load them, so thank you that yours is easy to navigate. :)

    I know what you mean about others finding what should have been to our own eyes glowing errors! How embarrassing! LOL I'll never forget the first time I allowed a published author to look over some of my pages. I bit my nails down to the third knuckle. It really does help to receive a fresh pair of eyes and a knowledgeable word. And I'm like you, I repeat some of my favorite words...duh, gotta cross out so many of 'em!

    Sounds like you're well on your way. :)

    1. My blog is definitely basic LOL. I figured it would be best to start small. Eventually I'd like to personalize the template a bit more, but I want to keep it pretty simple. easier on me if nothing else :)

      I thought I was going to die while this author had my pages. This is a new MS and I almost sent her an old one to avoid embarrassing myself. But I really love this one and went out on a limb. I'm so glad I did! I already had a list of words that I use the "find" function with during edits LOL. Now I "just" get to add another :)

  4. I'm so glad your crit went well. It's wonderful when you see the results of a new round of learning about the craft.

    Learning to write fiction is definitely a process. ;)

    Great post! Welcome to the group. :)
    IWSG #118 until Alex culls the list again.

    1. When I look back to the first MS I ever wrote I cringe. But I know most writers have that story. When I start to doubt myself, I pull out that story and read it again. Then I read my current WIP and realize just how far I've come :)

  5. Your blog is great. The colors and messages always make me happy. ;)
    I don't know how many times I've read through my own work and missed so many obvious mistakes. Thank goodness we have writing groups!

    Welcome to the crazy world of IWSG! I'll be sure to cheer you on in all our efforts as well. :D

    1. I just LOVE the writing community. The support and encouragement is just fantastic! I've never held a job where my coworkers cheered each other on. It was just too competitive it was honestly sad. I was terrified the fist time I shared my work with someone. What if they laughed? What if they told me it was horrible? But no one has ever said that. No matter how bad the writing was, I always received words of encouragement and advice! And my how far my writing has come because of it :)

  6. Welcome to the IWSG!
    We all have that certain word that we become obsessed with. It glares at us like a cobra ready to strike, but we don't see it. LOL
    Good luck with the writing. Just do what you can. Remember that every word counts. The main thing is that you're writing something.
    Writer In Transit

    1. And that is what I have to remember! Just write!

  7. I'm right there with you! My word is "that". Ug. Good luck squeezing out those words whenever you can :)

    1. I swear I get more done now in 10 minutes that I used to in an hour or two. Probably because when I get those few precious moments I stay off the internet. :)

  8. I am a "just" abuser as well. A good editor is worth her weight in GOLD! I adore mine--Jessica Royer Ocken. I tend to write with way too much detail and she helps me chop it down to "just" right.

    Great to have you be part of this meme! I'm now a blog and Twitter follower.

    1. They really are. Maybe one of these days I'll be as observant in my own work as I am with others. I can catch stuff in any MS but my own. But I guess we are all like that. :) I followed back.

  9. The secret to being a great writer is to never stop improving, because even the best of us are far from perfect. And seasoned writers who have an ounce of gratitude in their bones are more than willing to help out aspiring writers of varying abilities, because we all started somewhere.

    1. It never ceases to amaze me how many published authors are forever giving back. From advice to blogs that offer contests or crits, or just sharing their own journey, all of it is so helpful to those that share the same dream.

  10. I'm amazed at how much you're accomplishing with your blog in one month!!! I love the fact that you keep track of free contests. What a great resource you're providing. And as far as writing with young ones clamoring for attention constantly, I couldn't do it. I had to wait until the kids were older and they still distract me during the summer, but at least there a re chunks of time I can get a few thoughts down uninterrupted. So, you get immense credit for focus and determination!

    1. Thanks :) Today is one of those days I want to yank my hair out. I adore my kids, but holy heck they are demanding. Then I feel guilty when I get frustrated. It's a never ending cycle. This August they will ALL finally be in school. I can't imagine what I will do with the free time. Probably miss them like crazy LOL :)

      Glad the contest circuit helps. There are so many out there it's hard to keep track.

  11. Welcome to IWSG! Fellow writers are so supportive. How amazing that you won a critique. I would be scared of getting feedback as well but often it ends up being so helpful. Don't worry about not being able to spend time writing until August. Sometimes life just gets in the way and we have to roll with it or we'll go crazy trying to find time to write that doesn't exist. Hopefully things will settle down after.

    1. I nearly died waiting for the feedback. I couldn't help but imagine the worst :) Don't we all though. The high of getting a crit from an author then the low of worrying about what she'd think. Writing is such a roller coaster!

  12. Like you, I've seen the badge, read some of the posts, and Alex has one of my 'must read' blogs. But I didn't join IWSG until this month.

    One of the most amazing things about this writerly community is the support. Kind, helpful ready to give time and expertise; truly a gift.

    1. It really is amazing! I love following the journey.

  13. Welcome to IWSG!
    I have a problem with "just" also. :/ But it's always hard to find the faults in our own manuscripts. I know I miss the stupid, completely obvious, mistakes in mine. My sister usually reads over it first and sometimes I can't believe the things that slip through. But don't feel bad, it happens to us all.

    1. We all have our little things I guess. It's definitely nice to know I'm not alone. Why I waited so long to share experiences I'll never know. Support makes all the difference.

  14. Hello from IWSG!

    I have a problem with my characters grinning like ninnies. They are always, smiling, laughing, chuckling, chortling. Seriously they would be the most annoying people ever. I'm still trying to figure out how to get that under control.

    Good luck to you. Don't be embarrassed either. Lots of writers do the same thing. That's why there is software out that that actually scans your manuscript and tells you the words you use the most and if you use the same kind of punctuation too much. Everyone has a pet writing behavior. I'm sure even your published author friend has some.

    1. I've been reading MSS for an internship and I have noticed a common theme.....the eyes. Everyone is so obsessed over eyes that I edit out anything I find in my own work now LOL. Better your characters are smiling over crying all the time :) Hopefully I will get the courage to share some work here. The whole public critique thing makes me nervous though.

  15. Oh, I am just like always doing stuf like this stuffr like all the time, you know. Don't be embarrassed. One day I stopped apologizing. Not every writer is E.B. White. I'm more of an ee cummings sort, myself. You are on a great journey! Mysteries are ahead. Don't let the bumps in the road stop you.

    I am also new here.

    1. Better to be embarrassed getting a critique than to send something to an agent that Ian' t ready. That's what I keep reminding myself :)

  16. I'm so happy for you that you got helpful feedback! Yay! In-depth critiques have helped me a lot. I hope you get something accomplished over the summer. :-)

    1. You and me both. I have low expectations so anything at all will be a huge success LOL.

  17. It can be so much easier to see mistakes in others' writing than your own. I have certainly been there. But critiques are soooo valuable for just that reason :) Congrats on winning that look-over, and the chance to get some stellar feedback.

    1. It was nice. It's a fairly new WIP and I haven't shared it much so it was also very nerve racking. :)

  18. Welcome to the IWSG!! It's just about the best thing ever. :)
    I have four kids and totally understand the summer problem! Only two of mine are in school, but it makes a big difference. I just try to write a bit here and there when I can. By night time I'm usually too tired to write anything good. :)
    Good luck with revisions!

    1. I so get it. I always think, sure I can write at night when they are in bed. Um, no way. I am so exhausted all I want to do it relax. Of course, since all 3 will be in some form of school this fall (one only half day preschool) I won't have any more excuses to NOT get things done LOL.

  19. Congratulations on winning the critique, and welcome to IWSG.

    I think all of us have funny word obsessions. What's important is the content of the writing, and if it's just an over-repetitive word here or there, that's something you can smooth out in the final edits.

    I look forward to visiting your blog again.

    1. Thank goodness for the find feature in word. It's so easy to pull out the forbidden word LOL. The good thing is I am now more conscious of it and catch it just as I write the j...... See, I just can't help myself :)

  20. Welcome to the IWSG and thank you for posting!

    Great job on the critique! They really do help if they are a good CP. One piece of advice that I was given that really helps is to read your work out loud. We miss a lot when we just read inside our heads.

    Keep at it. Keep writing.
    Heather M. Gardner

    1. That is fabulous advice and really helps with my dialogue. I think it's really the only way to get "real" dialogue :)

  21. Always dream, Meredith. Dreams are a path to reality. If you can dream it you can make it happen.

    We're just too close to our words to see some of the mistakes. After reading something 5 or 6 times, we are anticipating the next word or sentence. Not like big time authors don't do it, lol! I'm a beta reader for several and I assure you, they do and many of the same mistakes we make as well.

    Fabulous news on your critique. Sometimes we just need the right direction pointed out. We know something is off...we just can't put a finger on it. Someone more experienced can and all of a sudden dots are connecting everywhere in the writer brain, lol!


    1. That's exactly it. When I'm editing I think I'm really skimming. I know the story to well and I'm not reading every single word anymore. And it's always nice to know even the best still do it :)

  22. Welcome to IWSG - you've already gotten great advice. Your word is JUST, mine is THAT. Sounds great until I do my read-aloud edit. We all have our weak spots... ;-)

    1. It's funny, I am more aware of it, but I still use it. A lot. At least I catch it and edit it out most of the time now :)

  23. I've wanted to try a contest but never knew where to find them. I guess you just made it a lot easier for me, thanks! It's great that you got that critique, they help so much. Keep working on your piece until you are happy with it, and then try a contest! You should totally do it!

    Best of luck and welcome to the IWSG.

    1. If you enter anything, let me know! I'll cheer you on. Glad it helps a bit. The ones I listed are all so amazing with fantastic agents. I've followed all of them at one point or another. :)

  24. Oh I hate tenses. That can be such an easy thing to miss when its your manuscript and you're so close to it, and yet I find it's one of teh first things that leaps out when I'm reading someone elses.
    Congratulations on winning. Glad it was honest and helpful

    1. It was such a silly mistake, but I guess when I read I know the story so I don't pick up on it. It reads perfectly to me LOL.

  25. I can so relate to the interruptions. Although I love my son more than life itself, it seems like his radar kicks on every time I begin to write. Suddenly, he's bored and wants to go to the pool, or the movies, or has guitar lessons, or is hungry...Well, I'm sure you get the point.
    This week he went off to scout camp. I thought I'd have plenty of time to write. I sat at my desk on Monday rearing to go and then, my eyes focused on the smudge marks on my desk, moved to the scuffed floors, the dusty dining room table, etc. Needless to say, the clean gene kicked in and I spent the past three days hunkered down with a mop and sponge. Now that my house is spic and span, I took today to write. Hoping to finish my chapter.

    BTW, love your blog, the colors are gorgeous. I'm now a follower. Looking forward to getting to know you through your posts. See you round the bloggersphere.

    1. Ha! I do the same thing. When I finally get a few moments I suddenly notice everything else that has gone my house. It's always something. :)

  26. Hi Meredith! With all of those interruptions happening your stories will have plenty of time to simmer to a boil. Trust me. And when it's time to write it will just pour out of you. And we can never find our own mistakes in our manuscripts. I recently went through something I wrote a couple of years ago and realized that I'd used "alter" in every instance where I should have used "altar." A proofreader (or beta readers) are a definite must:) Anyways, good luck with your writing!

    1. Thanks so much :) I hope you're right. I'm imagining sitting down, in peace and quiet once the kids start school, and just typing till my fingers fall off LOL. :)
