
Sunday, June 2, 2013

WriteOnCon is Coming to Town!

I am so excited! So, so, so, so excited! Why you ask? Well, only because the best, biggest, only thing that excites me about the summer, has just been announced....WriteOnCon is coming! If you haven’t attended the annual summer, ONLINE, writers conference you are missing out. If you’re anything like me and can’t make it to the live thing because of work, kids, or other responsibilities that will completely fall apart if you try to take a few days to further your dream, then this is where you need to be this summer.

The first time I heard about WriteOnCon, I thought really? An online conference? Like that will be any good. I mean, how can a virtual conference really compare to the real, live thing? Well to all you cynics, it is amazing! The information is plentiful, speakers are top notch, and the community is fantastic. Yes, you will actually walk away with new writing friends, possibly CPs, and definitely (if you are willing to put your work out there) great feedback.

This is what summer is about. Hey, I live in South Florida; summers here are horrible. It’s hot, rains everyday, constant “threats” of ridiculous hurricanes loom, and after a few days of being cooped up with three young kids I’m ready to pull all my hair out. But WriteOnCon is the one conference I get to attend, uninterrupted. Yes uninterrupted! Everything is available when it’s convenient for you. How awesome is that? I can get expert advice from a well established agent at three in the morning in my pjs.  

So if you haven’t attended WriteOnCon before, do it this year. Put it on your calendar right now (August 13-14) you really won’t regret it. Feedback, new writing friends, expert advice, AND the opportunity to get your work in front of some seriously awesome agents? Why on earth haven’t you been before? Oh, and don’t forget to keep your eyes on Twitter. One of the most exciting things about the contest is hunting the Ninja Agents! Talk about edge of your seat entertainment.

So check it out at The ladies that organize this are amazing. Follow the conference and the organizers on Twitter. In the mean time, get your work ready and I’ll see you in August! And let me know if you're coming below. I'll look for you at the conference :)

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