
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things

I decided to join a Blog Hop with a wonderful premise..Celebrating! It's hosted by Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. Check out her blog.

So today I'm celebrating entering the blogging world! It's a small step and I'm just getting started, but so far so good. I've had the opportunity to review some awesome books and the list keeps growing. 

I also have to celebrate making it through week one of summer with all three kids at home. It's been chaotic and traumatic LOL, but we are making it. My oldest is fascinated by all my reading and joins me on the couch for a "reading session" every afternoon. It's so wonderful to see her develop such a love of reading at a young age (she's 7). 

Her and my second child also want to be a part of my writing, so I am helping them write their first book! They came up with the characters and are doing the illustrations. It is so much fun to do this with them and I just love the excitement. Who knows, maybe they will be published before me!

So what are you celebrating? Big or small, let me know and join the Blog Hop!

Here's the linky list!


  1. How exciting! It is great when the kids enjoy the loves you have. I'm sure it'll be a great memory for them. Welcome tot he blogging world - it can be quite fun. :) Enjoy your reading and have a great weekend! Writer’s Mark

  2. Yay for your kids loving to read. When I was a baby my parents gave me catalogues so that I'd start to turn pages, and that has always stuck with me. Part of the enjoyment of reading is turning the pages. I can't imagine what it must be like for children who don't know the pleasure of reading.

    1. What a great idea :) I wish reading was the main focus at school. But here it's math. So crazy when I truly believe you can learn anything if you can read....and love it.

  3. Congrats on your blog. You "look" and sound and like a pro already. There is nothing like reading, what a gift to give a child. Cheers!

  4. Welcome! Readers are Leaders, that's what my dad always tells me..

  5. Hi Meredith, I stopped by to send a special thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. So glad you have things to celebrate and your little cherubs have already embarked on their careers! D Good job! Best wishes

    1. Thanks :) Hopefully it will last. So glad to see you here!

  6. How lovely that your children are enjoying reading and writing so.

    1. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful hop :) Awesome idea!

  7. Hi lovely to meet you and welcome to the blogging world! It's a great place to be. I love it when children show such an interest in books and reading. Writing their first *books* wow you might have a couple of buddy authors on your hands.

    1. So nice to meet you :) It's so much fun to watch them work together on this and get excited over it. I told them when they are done I'll take it to their younger sisters preschool class and read it to them!

  8. Hello Meredith! It's so lovely to meet you!

    I LOVE that you are doing writing projects with your kids. I remember making books when I was in 1st - 3rd grade. We wrote the story and then illustrated the pages. I kept them all these years and still love to look at them. It's a fantastic project and it'll mean that much more to them cause they're doing it with you!

    Happy Summer!

    1. It's so nice to meet you too! I am just excited to see them take an interest in reading :) And I'm learning so much more about them. Funny how the little mind works.

  9. How wonderful that your children are intrigued by your writing and eager to join!

  10. Hi Meredith. Thanks for visiting my blog.
    I always say that good reading habits start when the kids are still young and impressionable. It's a wonderful feeling to watch their eyes light up when they discover the joys of reading, one of the best gifts you can give to your children.
    Writer In Transit

    1. I absolutely agree. I smile every time they open a book or ask me to read to them. It's the one thing I never say no to :)
