
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ruination by Amanda Thome - Reveiw, Tour, & Giveaway

Ruination (Worlds Apart #1)

Release Date: 04/15/14

Summary from Goodreads:

What if everything came down to a single test? If your life was defined at seventeen, could you handle it? Could you accept your fate leaving the ones you love, or would you risk it all and stay?

One test stands between Vanessa and Central. One chance to make the leap across the walls to a better life. At seventeen, Central considers Vanessa an adult. Her labor role, marriage, and housing divisions will be dictated by her performance on the leap.

Dedication and unfaltering friendship has bonded Vanessa to Garrett as they fight for their chance to leap into Central. But what happens when love overtakes reason? When defiance in the name of love creates an unintentional fracture in their nation.

Without warning Vanessa is at the mercy of the nation that’s supposed to protect her. Exiled and abandoned she must fight but she find’s she’s not alone. With her heart divided she seeks her revenge, but will her stand be enough?

Ruination is the next YA dystopian trilogy that will hook you from the start! If you liked Veronica Roth's Divergent series or Suzanne Collins Hunger Games series then be prepared to get addicted to Ruination.


 Buy Links:    AmazonBarnes & Noble

Jennifer's Review:
Nessa is a teen girl in a harsh world. The book starts off with her as a young girl and the first chapter is incredibly sad. So much that I didn't know if I wanted to keep going. I am glad I did as while that chapter was heartbreaking the pace picked up and it took on its dystopian feel. Mid way (once Nessa takes her "leap test" the book takes off & you will have a hard time putting it down) If you have read Hunger Games, Divergent, Matched etc..  you will see some of those "world" qualities in this book (which of course is to be expected since they are all in the same Genre). It is different and unique enough to hold your interest without a doubt and you may find yourself (as I did) enjoying the similarities.

Everyone's future is set and decided by a one day test. Starting at the age of 6 years old they start preparing for this "test" which occurs at 16 years old (10 years of "Education"). In addition to regular school topics, they learn survival techniques.  The test will decide which region they live in, their job, who they will marry, etc... There are three regions - the outer which is the poorer neighbourhoods, the inner - middle class and the central which is the Capital and the rich upper class society. The top male and female student gets the opportunity to move to Central and live a better life. It is the dream of every teen. Nessa hopes to make it with her best friend, and romantic interest, Garrett. They have trained hard for years for this day.

There were a few chapters that were told in the guy's voices, which was nice and I would of loved to see more of their POVs.

There are hints of a "love triangle". I myself am not a fan of the love triangles. So I hope that one just falls into a friendships and the other in the love interest.

All of the characters were well written.
Nessa: Strong & Independent. good lead female character
Garret: Sweet & Charming. Nessa's best friend since they were 5 years old. Would like to see more from his POV in the next book to really understand him better.
Ty: Mysterious, loyal, fierce
 The world leaves me curious to learn more. I am eager to read the next book, especially after the cliffhanger ending this one has. Rating: 3.5 stars

About the Author
Amanda Thome is the Author of Ruination, book one in the Worlds Apart dystopian trilogy. Amanda grew up in Maine and later moved to Pennsylvania where she obtained her bachelor’s degree from Ursinus College. She later received her doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from Columbia University. Amanda currently resides in San Antonio, TX with her husband Clint.

Author Links:

GIVEAWAY: a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thank you for sharing, I am happy to have been a part of your blog! If you would like an ARC of book two please email me at: - Amanda Thome

    1. Thanks Amanda! I am definitely interested in reading book 2!
