
Monday, May 26, 2014

Armchair BEA Introduction

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from? 

I'm Meredith! I've been blogging almost a year now. Oh wow...when is that blogoversary?? Oh my, I may have missed it?? Wow, as you can see I've been a bit busy :) I got into blogging to share my love of reading and to share that love with my BFF and co-blogger Jen. We may live thousands of miles a part, but believe it or not we talk books every day!  I'm currently blogging from south Florida...although I would LOVE for that to change. 

2. Describe your blog in just one sentence. Then, list your social details -- Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. -- so we can connect more online. 

Our blog is a variety of great books and good fun. Ok, my brain is a bit fried so I couldn't come up with something a bit more catchy...

You can find me on Twitter as @MeredithRaeJ and Jennifer is @JenniferCane

3. What genre do you read the most? I love to read because ___________________ . 

We both love YA. A lot. You can tell from all of our teams and banners. But, I also have soft spot for romance. Anything that makes me SWOON. So adult, new adult it's all good as long as I fall in love. 

4. What was your favorite book read last year? What’s your favorite book so far this year? 

Oooo tough question. Thanks to my job (which I thank my blogging for getting) I *may* have read a really AMAZEBALLS book that isn't out yet. Honestly that would be my fave, but since it hasn't release I won't count that. So instead I'll go with Alienated by Melissa Landers. I just adored it. Oh, or maybe The Fiery Heart. I think I read that this year. Of course then there is also Drop of Doubt from The Academy series. Def one of my faves.

5. What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like? (Pinterest encouraged!) 

Ok boring answer....the couch. But I do like to read at the beach, or at my favorite library out on the deck outside overlooking a beautiful lake. Yes, it's that amazing. And they have a coffee bar. Seriously I could spend all day there. And at times I do ;)

6. What is your favorite blogging resource? 

I'm a HUGE Parajunkee fan. 

7. Spread the love by naming your favorite blogs/bloggers (doesn’t necessarily have to be book blogs/bloggers). 

As I mentioned I'm a huge Parajunkee fan. I also love Entangled in Romance. I love hosting events with Mel, Erin, and Regina Read a Lot. Plus I just love their reviews. They are a riot ;) And I love staying up to date with the writing world with Brenda Drake

8. Share your favorite book or reading related quote. 

All time favorite book? Would have to be Harry Potter. I just adore that series. Of course Lux, Bloodlines, and The Academy come in a close second. 

Quote would definitely come from The Outsiders...Stay gold Ponyboy!

9. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why? 

See above lol. And I'd bring a giant umbrella (fair skin), a cushy chair (for comfort), and a cooler filled with Coke...and a few waters. 

10. What book would you love to see as a movie? 

Toss of between the Bloodlines series (Helllllooooo Adrian) and The Academy (talk about eye-candy).

So that's it from me. I can't wait to meet all of you ;) I'm off to hop around some blogs now. 


  1. Nice to meet you. I hate answering the favorite book question. That is so difficult. I hope you enjoy the week!

    Girl Who Reads

    1. Haha! Yeah, mine changes on a daily basis.

  2. So funny reading what you like to see in a book because I want anything BUT romance! I really want older women who become international spies or do something exciting. Romance no longer has any appeal to me-- my daughters think my soul has shrunk in the laundry! Have fun with Armchair BEA.

    1. Hahahaha! Does it help if I love a good romance WITH a kick-as* heroine? She's got to be strong and "all I need is a man" heroines lol.

  3. Hello ladies! *waves* :) So nice to run into you here at Armchair BEA and get to learn a bit more about you both.

    1. Ahhhhhhh!!! *waves back* So excited you stopped by ;)

  4. Hi, Meredith! (and Jen!) I love how sparkly your blog is.

    Have a great week with Armchair BEA!

  5. haha I like that you are bringing coke and a FEW bottles of water... I am a huge coke (as in cola) addict and did not think to bring my addiction with me to my island. Oh no. time to trade in pick number 3 (the boyfriend, I think?) and opt for coke. Problem is, I think I already traded my #3 for a hot tub boat that someone else suggested... EEEP!

    1. Hahaha I do like the hot tub boat :) But I can't go anywhere without my soda....or maybe a chai tea latte. But I figured it would be too hot lol.

  6. yep, I already traded in the boyfriend for a hot tub boat over on this blog: Loving Lit Book Reviews

  7. Okay, you need to send me the address of that fabulous library out on the deck overlooking that splendid lake! Oh my! That's where I want to go read.

    Hope you have a great Armchair BEA!

    1. It is a DREAM space. I like to call it my office :)

  8. Great to meet both of you ladies! Hope you had a great ABEA!

    1. Is it really Friday? Ummm where did the week go??
