
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

THE WARRIOR by Victoria Scott Blog Tour!

About the Book
Author: Victoria Scott
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pages: 352
Pub. Date: May 6, 2014
Find it: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble

Dante’s girlfriend, Charlie, is fated to save the world. And Aspen, the girl who feels like a sister, is an ordained soldier. In order to help both fulfill their destiny and win the war, Dante must complete liberator training at the Hive, rescue Aspen from hell, and uncover a message hidden on an ancient scroll.
 Dante is built for battle, but even he can’t handle the nightmares where spiders crawl from Aspen’s eyes, or the look on Charlie’s face that foretells of devastation. To make matters worse, the enemy seizes every opportunity to break inside the Hive and cripple the liberators. But the day of reckoning is fast approaching, and to stand victorious, Dante will have to embrace something inside himself he never has before—faith.

Jennifer's Review:

The Warrior is the third novel in the Dante Walker series by Victoria Scott. This review may contain spoilers for the first two books.

The first two books have led us to the ultimate final battle - good vs. evil. But this book is so much more than the final battle. To me, this book was about the little things that lead up to a fantastic ending to the series: the preparation for the battle, a traitor in the mix, relationships, the words on the scroll, and the ending! Victoria kept me guessing the whole way through - some of my guesses were spot on but others were way off -- and I loved that!

This book is told in Dante's POV and he is still 100% Dante. And as we all know he is unlike anyone else :-) He is crass, loud, and conceited but also loyal, strong, fierce, dedicated and ooohhh so much more. We all love him fiercely despite his flaws and this book does not disappoint. POW! :-)

Charlie -- she definitely gets her time to shine in this book in the most unexpected of ways. You will just have to read the book to see how but its great. My favorite thing about Charlie: is how Charlie influences Dante in a good way. Yep, it always comes back to Dante. :-)

There are so many other characters that we met before and some new ones that we meet for the first time that are wonderful.  Victoria does a great job with the supporting characters.

I am sorry to see Dante Walker go but he definitely left with a bang and would you expect anything less? Nope, Never, POW! Great, well done conclusion to the Dante Walker series.

Giveaway Details:- 1 US winner to receive -

Signed copy of The Collector
Signed copy of The Liberator
Signed copy of The Warrior
a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Victoria: Victoria Scott is a teen fiction writer represented by Sara Crowe of the Harvey-Klinger Literary Agency. She’s the author of the FIRE & FLOOD series published by Scholastic, and the DANTE WALKER trilogy published by Entangled Teen. Her books have been bought and translated in eleven foreign markets including the UK, Turkey, China, Poland, Israel, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Taiwan, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.

Victoria lives in Dallas with her husband and hearts cotton candy something fierce.

Tour Schedule

 Week One:
4/28/2014- Library of a Book WitchReview
4/29/2014- Fantasy Book AddictExcerpt
4/30/2014- Meredith & Jennifer's MusingReview
5/1/2014- Fictitious DeliciousReview
5/2/2014- A Dream Within A DreamReview

Week Two:
5/5/2014- Jenna Does BooksReview
5/6/2014- Stuck In YA BooksReview
5/7/2014- K-Books- Review
5/8/2014- Jenuine CupcakesReview
5/9/2014- FiktshunExcerpt


  1. Hi Victoria! I love your series and can't wait to see how it ends

  2. I'm new to the Dante party, but I'm loving the series so far! I can't wait to get to this book. :D

  3. Hi Victoria! Just wanted to say these books sound awesome and as for the covers- WOW!

  4. I have been really wanting to start this series. I have heard great things and can't wait to start it..

  5. It is a great series! POW Ladies :-)

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