
Friday, February 14, 2014

My Date from Hell Book Tour --Tellulah’s Take on Kai

Post #3: Tellulah’s Take on Kai (Kyrillos, Lord of the Underworld, Son of Hades) 

Kai was a tough character to for me to get inside of for a couple of reasons. First off, he’s a god, so there’s not a lot of emotional sharing going on. Second of all, he’s playing his cards very close to his chest in book one, My Ex From Hell.   

I wanted peoples’ impression of him in Ex to be supremely hot and supremely arrogant, with a side of manipulative asshat.  In terms of the overall romantic comedy, book one functions like the first act. Meaning that Sophie’s impressions of Kai had to be that perfect blend of lust/hate. This allowed me to reveal other sides of Kai in My Date From Hell in ways which showed up Sophie’s character flaw of misjudging people, as much as letting the reader see a more vulnerable side of Kai. 

Kai is extremely loyal and demands that in others. If he feels betrayed, then you’re dead to him. But what I love, is how we see over the course of the trilogy that deep down, Kai craves connection. And that being around these other characters has changed him. It’s harder for him to walk away. 

He appears on Earth as a seventeen-year-old, about six feet, muscled, with eyes the color of Sophie’s favorite espresso and dark hair that curls slightly at the ends. The spicy cologne he wears acts as Sophie’s personal crack. I recently held the Sassy Girl Swoony God Tourney to promote My Date From Hell and one of the challenges was to cast Sophie and Kai. I think Tyler Blackburn in this photo shows how I see him: fans/ 

OR Taylor Kitsch in this photo: 

Yeah, there’s a type. You get it. Have you read the series? How do you picture him? I’d love to know!  J Tellulah 
About the Author
Tellulah Darling

Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?
1. YA romantic comedy author because her first kiss sucked and she's compensating.
2. Alter ego of former screenwriter.
3. Sassy minx.

Geeks out over: cool tech.
Squees for: great storytelling.
Delights in: fabulous conversation.
Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.

Tellulah Darling is a firm believer that some of the best stories happen when love meets comedy. Which is why she has so much fun writing young adult romantic comedy novels. Her tales span contemporary, teen fantasy romance, and YA Greek mythology, and range from stand alone books to series. For Tellulah, teen romance is the most passionate, intense, and awkward there is – a comedy goldmine. Plus smart, mouthy, teen girls rock.

Author Links:
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1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer, thanks so much for letting me share my thoughts about Kai today! :D
