
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Academy: Drop of Doubt by C.L. Stone Review #2

The Academy Drop of Doubt
By C.L. Stone
Release Date: January 22, 2014

Sang Sorenson and the Academy boys return to Ashley Waters High School but before they get a chance to even settle in, Sang’s life is threatened by an anonymous caller.

They retreat to the protective walls of the Morgan estate, a safe house for when the boys are under fire. But when new threats can break through those barriers that once kept them secure, it leaves Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North rushing to figure out who is hunting them. 

But when you’re fighting a ghost who seems to know all your secrets, retreating is no longer an option.

The Academy, Deceptively Strategic.

Author Links:

Meredith's Review:
Ok, so I realize Jen already reviewed this one. BUT...I just had to say something too. I mean, just OMG. I love this series! And oh my #TeamVictor, #TeamGabriel....I'm so at a loss. I've always been a die-hard North girl, but I don't know even Dr. Green is sneaking in there with such ease. 

The story keeps getting more intense with each book, and I found Drop of Doubt to be edge-of-your-seat great. I HATED having to put it down to you, take care of the kiddos, all those real world things that totally get in the way. I needed to know what happened and waiting nearly killed me.

I won't go into any details because doing so just ruins the fun. But I will say there are some fantabulous Victor moments, some OMG Gabriel moments, and even a few Wha...hahahawt Dr. Green moments. My #TeamNorth self is jumping on board several teams at this point. 

I can't forget our leading lady Sang. She is just Ah-MAZ-ing! This girl has spunk and is loyal to the end. For someone so damaged, so confused, and so alone (although not anymore), this girl has got fight in her. I'm going to have to say the word failure is not in her dictionary because the girl never gives up and never gives in. You will be cheering her on in this book.

So, since I can't spoil my favorite moments that I SO want to talk about...I will gif them instead (well, a few anyway. There are too many to count)!

Moment #1-Sang and Victor

Moment #2-Sang and Gabriel

Moment #3-Bathtub

Followed by

Moment #4 Dr Green

Moment #5 Sang and Luke

Moment #6 The Twist Ending

How I felt after reading this book:

And a little:

That is all!


  1. Just posted my review and had to rush over here to read yours. I'm LOLing at your gif review. #Team Luke, baby!

  2. Your gifs explained this one perfectly! I was stunned speechless after I read this book! I ended up re-reading the whole series almost immediately after just because I can't get enough of the Academy boys and I wanted to see if I missed any clues throughout the other books.

    This series is seriously addicting and I don't have a favorite. The writing is so good and the boys are all so individually amazing that I end up rooting for whichever boy is in the scene at the time. I can't wait to read more!
