
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday 2013 Top Picks Edition

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week a question:

What were your favorite books of 2013?

This is an easy one (well, technically it isn't...but we did just do a post on this).

Here is our New Year's Eve post on our Top Picks for 2013!

But here is a taste of the books we LOVED this year:


2013 was a FANTASTIC year for books. Can't wait to see what 2014 holds!

Cheers, and Stay Gold.


  1. I need to get on with reading the bloodline books I really love Richelles writing and her VA series is my all time fave, and I read Bloodlines and the golden lily but TGL just wasn't to par with the other books so I kind of slacked off. I need to start again though.

    1. I just love Bloodlines! I actually like it better than VA. I'm a sucker for Adrian and really like Sydney ;)

  2. Yay Origin!! Glad you enjoyed that one too! Sentinel was awesome and I still need to read The Fiery Heart myself! Great list!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Ugh, Origin is just.....yeah. And Sentinel was so bittersweet. I hated to see the Covenant series end :( Just like I can't wait for Opposition, but ooooo don't want Lux to end either LOL!
