
Monday, October 14, 2013

TWO by Leigh Ann Kopans, Fainting Goats, & Minions! A blog tour gone wild!

TWO by Leigh Ann Kopans
Publication Date: October 2013

From Goodreads:

Elias and Merrin’s story continues in TWO, coming October, 2013... 

Elias and Merrin are on the run.

After escaping the Biotech Hub, they thought they could breathe easy, or at least a little easier. But when bombs slam into the Social Welfare Hub only hours after their arrival, it becomes clear there's nowhere to hide - and no end to what Biotech will do to get them back. 

Their last chance for safety and answers is the Clandestine Service Hub. CS has intel on the real, broader purpose behind Fisk’s experiments , and the newfound knowledge of the horrors hidden deep within Biotech’s walls sends Merrin back to recover a secret formula that could ruin the Supers’ world forever—and might just save the lives of the Biotech victims spiraling out of control.

Elias' sisters are counted among the victims of Fisk’s experiments, and if Elias can't find and help them, their powers will destroy them--sooner rather than later. Returning to the place it all began terrifies him, but with Fisk ready to make an example out of Merrin, and his sisters’ lives --and the lives of all Supers--hanging in the balance, he might not have a choice. If he can't find the courage to face his worst fears, Elias might lose more than his newfound powers. 

He might lose everyone he loves.

My Review:
Super Heroes, Super Powers, Super Action, & Supersonic = Super Awesome!

GAH! I think that was my first word when I finished this book. Or maybe it was AHHHHH! This book was just book is just OMG amazing. The best part? We experience it all through Elias! ACK! I could seriously live in Elias’s head…all the time. Love you Elias! 

So, I had the worst time trying to write this review. I don't want to give anything away because this book is so intense you need to experience every single moment. There are so many things I want to EEEEEEEEPPPPP about! But I'm going to do my best to tell you why I loved this book without giving away any secrets. 

I’ve been waiting for this book since the moment I finished ONE. I HAD to know what happened to Elias and Merrin. Where did they go? Were they safe? What really happened to Fisk? Will Elias or Merrin ever be more than a One? So may unanswered questions. Well, let me tell you.....ALL of these questions are answered! TWO is amazing and everything I hoped it would be (and then some). When I finally finished it felt like I ate an entire tub of ice cream and chased it with a half pound bag of M&Ms. I was so worked up from all of the action and suspense it was like the biggest sugar rush ever.  If you love superheroes, you will totally fall for TWO!

Elias and Merrin lovers get ready! You will experience a whole new side of this sweet love story. Seeing things from Elias's POV is a huge treat. There were times I wanted to strangle Merrin for causing my adorable Wonder-Boy so much stress and fear. But then I remembered that Merrin is strong, fierce, and incredibly determined. She loves Elias with all of her heart, but to stay safe would not be true to who she is. Elias fell in love with the “in the action” Merrin, not a girl who stays behind and hidden in the corner. Watching Elias struggle with Merrin’s decisions is heart wrenching. But these two are meant for each other. They have to work it out….they just have too!!

The journey these two take is wild, crazy, and full of surprises. They will learn quickly they aren't safe anywhere and that the secrets at the Biotech Hub run so much deeper than they ever imagined. The action in this story is heart-pounding and the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.

We see some of our favorites from the first book. Leni and Daniel are back in all their glory, Elias’s wonder-twin sisters (Nora and Lia) are still trying to get a grip on all of their power, and even Merrin’s parents and brothers stop in to help. The reunions are fantastic.

We get to meet some pretty amazing new characters as well. Hayley, Click, Gallagher, and Vera are all amazing Supers with awesome powers. I won’t tell you what they can do, but Hayley is full of snarky charm, and Vera is full of geeky-goodness. I hope we see more of Click in the future, and Gallagher is a save the day kind of guy. They all add to the excitement of the story and help our fabulous duo uncover the truth behind the intentions of the Biotech Hub (which are CRAZY). I even enjoyed (and want my own personal) Kara. Seriously, where's my Kara?

Without being too spoilery, here are some of my favorite tidbits: Powers, limbs, and virginity are lost. Powers and allies are gained. Secret missions and uncontrollable powers could be deadly for some. While secret missions and new powers could turn others into really super Supers. 

I LOVED TWO! It's got it all: romance, action, suspense, mystery, secrets, and amazing super powers. What more could you want? I'm ready to throw on my cape and go supersonic! 

In a nutshell, here is what you will experience while reading TWO:

Some of this:

Followed by a little of this:

Then a little of this: 

Then there will be some of this:

You will randomly think you can do this:

flying gif photo: xXxsPaRTaNxXx Flying.gif

And at the end you will want to do this to Leigh Ann Kopans:

My only questions is........WHEN DO WE GET MORE?????


For the record, I gifted my fabulous 14-year-old nephew with this series and he absolutely loves it! He shared ONE with his English class, and his teacher and classmates also fell in love with these amazing characters. This is a heart-pounding, get out your pom-poms, you won't be able to sit down series. I loved every minute of it and I know you will too!

Raised on comic books and classic novels, Leigh Ann developed an early love of science fiction and literature. As an adult, she rediscovered her love for not only reading, but also writing the types of fiction that enchanted her as a teen. Her debut novel, ONE, is about a girl with only half a superpower, the boy who makes her fly, and her struggle to make herself whole.

Leigh Ann, her husband, and four children live in
Columbus, Ohio. When she’s not immersed in the world of fiction, you can find her obsessing over the latest superhero movie or using her kids as an excuse to go out for ice cream (again.)

Check out ONE and find out how Merrin and Elias meet! You can read my review of ONE here!
Click the cover to see ONE on Goodreads!


  1. OMG this sounds so good!!! And I LOVE the cover! I need to check this series out!

    1. I LOVE this series!! I needed a super hero fix and this really took care of that!

  2. I agree 100%! And I love the GIFs!!

    1. Sometimes only a GIF can express feelings LOL. I figured people might get annoyed if I did my review in all caps ;)
