
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week an activity:

Feature your favorite blogger.

Well, I have quite a few of these. But recently I ran a huge contest/giveaway with the AWESOME ladies over at Mel, Erin, and Regina Read-A-Lot.

I adore their reviews. They are honest, witty, and flat out hilarious! When they fall in love with a book/character they are all in. Don't expect them to hold back when they share their thoughts on what they read. You can trust their reviews!

Why I love this blog?

1) They are Hot for DANTE

2) They are the brain children behind the annual Roswell rewatch/reread and the 

3) Erin is a part of the folks that bring us the LUXEN Army.

4) Regina loves The Academy series ALMOST as much as I do. 

5) They are just plain hilarious!

And how did I come across these passionate bloggers? Well, we can thank Jennifer L. Armentrout, Daemon Black and ORIGIN for that one! (Seriously, you want to click on that link and see the conversation from that cover reveal).

So check out the blog and follow these lovely ladies on Twitter. They will keep you laughing for.....well ever.

Happy Friday and Stay Gold!


  1. I know Rem Read a lot :) I followed them today :) Thanks for sharing with us.

    Old follower
    Booker Like a Hooker's FF

  2. Ooh nice! The're new to me but I looove their button! SO cute! And ya for the Obsidian cover!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I JUST noticed the cover (in my defense they changed the button recently LOL). That is too cute.

  3. Glad you found a blog that shares your taste. I'll check them out! Old follower. My FF

  4. I hadn't heard of this blog - I'll have to go on over and follow! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. Aww, man, I didn't know Roswell was a book series! I used to love that show.

    New follower via bloglovin!

    Have a great weekend!

    ~Pam @ http;//

  6. They sound great and I love their button-so cute! I'll have to check them out ASAP :) Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  7. Am going to check them out!
    New follower here via GFC and Bloglovin
    Would love for you to follow us back!
    Here is our FF

  8. Will have to check them out! New Bloglovin' & Twitter follower =D My first ever FF
