
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gargoyle Addiction by Livia Olteano Blog Tour

Gargoyle Addicton by Livia Olteano   
Series: Otherworlds Summons #1
Publication date: July 2013
Genre: NA Paranormal Romance

Goodreads Synopsis:
Summonari don’t trust. Under their command, they summon any number of creatures from the Otherwolds—but never trust them outside of the summoning.

Gargoyles don’t love. Fierce descendants of dragons, they function on power and fear—never love.

Karla isn’t the happily-ever-after type of girl. No territory-hungry guy is going to stick flags all over her unclaimed grounds.

Kann’s world is death and betrayal. As Dar Primus of Haus Varis, he’s expected to follow tradition but he’s not your regular gargoyle. In fact, he’s anything but.

One fateful Friday night, Otherworlds collide. Stuck together in one world or another, Karla and Kann face everything from Awakenings and turbulent love to Festnavals and bloodthirsty scorned suitors.

If there’s one thing they can’t escape, it’s the addiction to each other. And they’ve got it bad.


My Review:

So gargoyles.......yeah, this is what comes to mind when I think gargoyles:

gargoyle gif photo: Gargoyle Pillar Hatch GargaoyleBreak.gif

Or maybe this...

gargoyle gif photo: Gargoyle GargoyleSnort.png
But not anymore. Kann is nothing like what I expected. I mean, he is....... well, mean and a bit terrifying. But he's also just so darn hot. 

I thought the premise of the book was fantastic! I mean, seriously waking up to find your most favorite book boy sitting next to you? Um YES PLEASE! I wonder if I can summon Daemon, or maybe Aiden, or even Dimitri would be nice. Ooooo, actually I'd really love to summon the entire group of boys from The Academy. Yes, that's it!

But I digress. While I really enjoyed the premise and Kann, I wasn't the biggest fan of our heroine Karla. She drove me crazy. But maybe it's just me. While I adored her friends Mike and George, I honestly didn't get the friendship. Mike maybe, but George? 

The story starts off with a bang. It's Karla's birthday, there's some drinking invovled, and the most awesome birthday present ARC of the upcoming release to her favorite series. The one Kann stars in. A little bloody paper cut and some drooling after passing out and voila....hello Kann.

I'm surprised I'm going to say this, but I think I would have enjoyed the book more if the author stuck with one POV. Typically I'm a huge fan of getting inside the mind of both main characters, but for once it pulled me from the story. I was distracted with the constant changing and honestly didn't think it was needed. Kann is your typical Alpha male, or gargoyle, so you pretty much know what to expect from him. I think a bit further along in the series it would be good to hear his thought process, but the first book was just a bit overwhelming.

Overall this was a fun read. It's a unique premise and surprisingly gargoyles make a great love interest. Who knew? I will definitely keep reading the series just to see what the author comes up with.

Livia lives in Europe where she listens to obscene amounts of music and devours every reading material in sight. When she’s not doing either of the two, she fiddles with anything remotely customizable within reach.

Author links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for hosting Gargoyle Addiction and I'm happy you've enjoyed the read :D

  2. I didn't attend college. I guess my favorite college football team would be Notre Dame Fighting Irish! But I am not much of a college football watcher, give me the NFL

  3. The vampire is my favorite paranormal creature. The gargoyle sounds like a very interesting addition to the paranormal world. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    1. Gargoyles are fascinating to say the least LOL. Never would have thought to read about them until now.

  4. Vampires mostly with Demons coming up second! I have yet to read about Gargoyles, sounds amazing!!

    1. Great choices. Demons are getting better roles lately in books LOL.

  5. I like them all but maybe Angels. Thanks!

  6. My favorite paranormal creatures are the shifters - cat shifters in particular. :-)
