
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week a question:

It's up to you to do a Kickstarter campaign for your favorite book. Who are you casting for the main characters?

Ok, so maybe I'm cheating a bit here....but we just did a post on the blog about our favorite new series and put up our dream cast.  
The series is THE ACADEMY by C.L. Stone
It is SO good. Here is our dream cast of the NINE boys that star in the book 
(yes I said NINE).

Check out our reviews on Introductions, First Days, & Friends VS. Family.

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hearts gif photo: Hears hearts.gif

And a few alternates just because, well they are HOT:
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And to show Mr. Blackbourne with his glasses:

Yes, Jensen Ackles and Channing Tatum are regulars on the blog. 
What can I say, I pretty much picture them in every book I read! 
And that picture of Jensen, come on how can I NOT post it at least once a week?
 Dr. Green is more than welcome to make house calls for me ANYTIME!

Now just try and tell me all these beautiful boys don't set your heart on fire!

We are hosting an EPIC GIVEAWAY that includes SIGNED copies of books 1-3 (or ecopies if INT) and some special SWAG. If you are looking for a fabulous, addictive new series you can enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Let me just say that all the guys are very hot! New follower, check out my FF at :)

  2. Hopping through. Wow, distracted by beautiful boys. The first two - Kota and Victor are my favorites. Especially Victor's eyes.
    My Hop

    1. I LOVE Victor LOL. I was putting him in this cast one way or the other. And Victor in the book.....swoon!

  3. Loving the casting - a book featuring that many gorgeous men is A Ok in my book!!! And put Jensen on every single post as far as I'm concerned, you'll get no complaints from me!

    Old BL Follower :-)
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun

  4. Jensen...le sigh...

    Heehee! Love him!! Great picks all around! Not familiar with many of these guys but man are they hot!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Yup, that's the point. LOL. The research for this post was "exhausting."

  5. Hi! Passing through. :) I haven't read this series, but the guys you have picked for the characters... shew! *fans self* So. Much. HOTNESS.

    Kelly @ Dandelion Dreams
    My FF

    1. The boys in the book are beyond swoon-worthy. But yeah, I have to admit I had a little too much fun with this post ;)

  6. Oh man, your casting is AMAZING. I just like how you pic spammed your post hardcore with a bunch of hot men!!!

    Axie @ Books are Bread

    New GFC Follower.

    1. LOL, My co-blogger and I just couldn't narrow it down on a couple. So what better way to handle a "tie" than just post them ALL!

  7. OMG Jensen with glasses! So sexy! And Jen's Viktor -- super cute. Love your pictures and picks!
    Old bloglovin' follower :)
    Kim @ YA Asylum

    1. Love the Jensen w/glasses pic. He is so perfect for the character in the book.

  8. Yay cute boys! If the series has so many cute boys, I might have to check it out! Olf follower stopping in!

    Katy @ a blighted one

    1. It's a fabulous read. It's definitely addictive!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my FF, Meredith! Fabulous cast. :D Haven't read the book yet.

    Following back via Bloglovin'.

    Sandra @ Simply Sensational Book Fanatics

  10. Wow, lots of hot dudes! I need this in my life, pronto!

    Thanks for stopping by Reading Until I Fall Asleep! Twitter follower here :)

  11. Wow!! 9 hot guys?! I definitely need to read this book!! I entered your giveaway and I'm now following you on Twitter, GFC & Bloglovin.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Kathy @My Nook,Books & More

  12. I think those nine hotties just burned my retinas. WHEW! Thanks for following! i am following back via bloglovin!
