
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Deceived by Julie Anne Lindsey Blog Tour-Review

Welcome to my stop on the Deceived blog tour hosted by YA Bound Book Tours.  
Click HERE to see the full blog tour schedule!

Release Date: 09/18/13
320 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Ever since she could remember, Elle has had to hop from town to town to keep up with her dad's demanding career as a corporate insurance agent. Each time, a reoccurring nightmare followed her wherever she went--until the day that the frightening figures haunting her at night became all too real. When news of a serial killer spreads throughout her new school, Elle worries that the Reaper has been leaving her his calling card in the form of cigarette butts on her doormat and an unusual ribbon in her locker. With the help of Brian, a boy she meets at a flea market, she discovers that this isn't her first encounter with the murderer and that her father has been concealing her true identity for the past twelve years. But despite her father's desperate attempts to protect her, Elle still comes face to face with the darkness she has been running from her whole life. Trapped in the woods and with help hundreds of miles away, will Elle be able to confront the Reaper and reclaim the life she lost?

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So, I have to preface this with.....I do not like to get scared. I read Stephen King's IT in high school and I STILL have nightmares. Now don't get me wrong, Deceived isn't IT scary, but it did keep me up at night. Suspense isn't the right word, I read plenty of suspense. Even thriller doesn't cover it correctly. Deceived is creepy, dangerous and it will make you want to hit your panic button!

panic button photo: Panic button panicbuttons_misc_008.gif

At first, if you're like me, you will mostly just feel like this:

scared gif photo: Scared GIF Scared.gif

But then you'll get so sucked into the wild story that things go from shaking in your boots to this:

So just a word to the wise, be careful about night (like I so often did).

While there were times Elle drove me crazy (seriously I don't care how hot a boy is......why trust him when you trust no one??), but overall her strength and determination won me over. My only gripe was the insta-love connection, but once I got passed that part it was one wild ride.

The twists and turns in this book gave me whiplash. Every time I thought I had the killer figured out, I ended up wrong. Now I fully admit I've always been the last person in the room to figure out the big mysteries, so you may guess the ending well before I did. 

If you love an edge-of-your-seat thriller, you will enjoy Deceived. It's full of action, suspense, and mystery. While you may think this is an all-nighter kind of book, I highly recommend reading it during the a crowded room!

On to the trailer (stressful music and all):

Julie Anne Lindsey is a multi-genre author who writes the stories that keep her up at night. In 2013, Julie welcomes five new releases in three genres including her newest title, DECEIVED, a YA suspense from Merit Press, and her first cozy mystery, MURDER BY THE SEASIDE, book one in the Patience Price, Counselor at Large series from Carina Press (a digital imprint of Harlequin).

Julie is a self-proclaimed word nerd who would rather read than almost anything else. She started writing to make people smile. Someday she plans to change the world. Most days you'll find her online, amped up on caffeine and wielding a book.Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW), Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI), Sisters in Crime (SinC) and the Canton Writer’s Guild.

Find her online:
Tweeting her crazy @JulieALindsey
Soothing her book obsession on GoodReads
Pinning the pretty on Pinterest
Tumbling lamely on Tumblr
Blogging about books and writing at Musings from the Slush Pile


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YA Bound Book Tours


  1. This gives me goosebumps just reading about it! I'll definitely be cuddling this book in broad daylight.

  2. I think I may need to keep the lights on when I read this book. I look forward to it!

    1. I seriously heard every bump in the night when I read after dark :)

  3. The synopsis for this book has captured my attention for sure!! Wow! I am very much looking forward to reading this one!
