
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week a share:

Share something you learned about book blogging or blogging in general this month.

This is an easy one for me :) I learned how to make a button! I've been asked for one to my Contest Circuit page, but I wasn't sure how to do it. After a few google searches I got the correct code,  picked a free picture from a recommended site, and Voila! Here is it:


Meredith's Musings

Ok, so it's not great. But seriously, there are SO many pictures to go through. So as much as I want a button for my blog, I'm going to let a professional do it :) I just don't have the time or creativity to customize what I want. But I'm thrilled I know how to do it should I ever change my mind. What have you learned?

I have to give a HUGE shout out to My Cool Realm and it's awesome button generator for making creating a button so easy!


  1. That's great! I rushed through mine when creating it in photoshop... it's not the best logo ever so I'll switch it out later. :P

    Julianna Smith - My FFF

    1. That's what I figured too. I still need a button for my blog, but I want something cool LOL. One of these days. But for now the little purple box will work.

  2. OMGosh, that is so cool that you learned how to do that! Maybe you can have a blog class and teach us. hee hee. :)

    I like your button, it looks awesome. :) (it's on my blog now!)

    1. Yay! Thanks for spreading the news for me. You just reminded me i need ot put the link of the button generator in my post. Most AWESOME thing ever LOL!

  3. Hi! Old Follower. That's a great thing to learn :-) What I’ve learned is not to let others dictate my review schedule. Sometimes I’m “too nice” when instead I just need to stick to my rules I have set up.

    1. OMG ME TOO! I have really been scrambling lately :( Learning to say no is so important and something I struggle with. Especially when I have a TBR list completely separate from my review list. I feel your pain :)

  4. I had to ask around for a while before figuring out how to make mine....but it's SO ADORABLE :3
    New follower via Bloglovin

  5. What a cute button! I hope I can make one for my blog. But that need to wait until I'm finished transferring to WP.

    New follower on GFC, Twitter and Bloglovin.

    <a href="> my FF</a>

    1. Ahhhh! So many transferring over. I just love how easy blogger is. I've read so many posts on why you should move, but I'm so comfortable. Can't wait to here how it goes! I hope you'll share your experience.

  6. I still haven't perfected making a button. Soon I guess. Thanks for following my blog and stopping by my F&F now following you back on bloglovin'

    1. The button generator on the website above does all the work for you ;) SO glad you came by!

  7. Very cool! I will have to work on this next.

    Thanks for following my blog and I am also a new follower of your through bloglovin

    1. LOL the hardest part was getting a picture. Go figure. I'm just not creative enough probably ;) Glad you came by!

  8. Good job, I find working out that kind of thing mind bending!

    1. LOL, that's why I loved the site I mentioned. You just fill in the blanks and hit enter ;)

  9. Congratulations! I know the joy of using graphic design for the first time. Looks good for a first and you'll only be getting better! And... SPARKLY!!! AAHHHH. My post is actually about graphic design too1


    Check out my feature in return? Don’t forget to follow via Bloglovin’!

    - Nova @ Musings of a Blogder

    1. I know! And you site is beautiful! One of these days I will get a more original template. But one step at a time ;)

  10. Fortunately I know a bunch about designing due to some classes so that helped a lot. Good answer and yes, it is indeed wonderful to create funky buttons for your blog :)


    1. You are so lucky. I took an HTML class a while ago, but don't remember too much. But the design stuff.....I wish I was more creative!

  11. haven't gotten around to making our button yet! new follower :D

    F&F Friday

    1. If you use the website I mention, it's easy. I just find going through so many pictures and/or trying to come up with something semi-creative is hard LOL.

  12. GUH! Your layout is so pretty. And this is a wonderful thing you've discovered. I'm definitely going to go check it out.

    If you need a professional to do it and you don't have one? My bloggy bestie Leo has a DESIGN SITE and she does magnificent work. You should definitely check her out :)

    Here's my FF Post!

    Stop by if you have the time.

    Rebecca of Vicariously!

    1. OOoooo thanks for the rec! I really want to do an original template eventually. I'm just not the best at designs :( And the webite I mention has a lot of generators for different things you can use on the blog. It's great!

  13. I like the button I think it looks cool, so give yourself more credit!! I wish I knew how to make them!

    Old follower!

    Here's my FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

    1. LOL, I used a free pic off photobucket, the edit feature is easy to add the words, then the site above has a button generator. Works great for someone like me :)

  14. Sweet! Great button. I can do buttons, but I'm not good at them. It' usually takes an hour of messing around with things before I get them right. I really need to pin (no pun intended) down a great code to use all the time. Thanks for visiting my blog! Old follower here.

    1. I wish I could do the actual design part. I'd love a cool avatar, specific for me, but I haven't a clue LOL.

  15. Congrats on the button making! :) Great job. New follower via BlogLovin and old follower via GFC.

    See what I learned at my FF!

  16. Great job on the button, and I don't know about you, but I can spend hours going through various images to get one that I like. I usually look for about an hour, get sick of all the choices, pick one and get it made. It's never really exactly what I want but it works until I have it done professionally (and several are in the works) :) Have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

    1. That is exactly what I did! LOL. There are just too many pictures and I don't know always exactly what I want. Ugh. That's the hardest part. I am going to get someone to do a blog button and avatar for me soon. Maybe even a more original template. I just don't have to time (or creativity) to do it myself :( I adore your blog!

  17. Buttons are good, nice job! :)

  18. This is what I learnt this month as well! Yay! We're answer buddies :)

    New follower via Bloglovin! xD

    My FFF!

  19. same here,at first my blog has no button/badge when I joined blog hop, I asked one of my blog hop to teach me how to make a blog badge/button. New GFC folower.
    hope you can visit my Follow Friday

    1. Fahima above listed a fantastic website that has links to code generators, most used codes etc. I just bookmarked it myself ;)

  20. That's actually really cool that you did that all on your own. I'm impressed. I have a really hard time with the html stuff, so I'm not sure I could have done it. :)

    Old follower
    My Feature & Follow

    1. LOL I only had to pick and edit a picture (which is tough enough for me). Then I used a button generator (fill in the blank) that made the grab button for me. There are so many great websites out there that make it so much easier than having to learn specific HTML codes.

  21. It's so great when you want to add so wing to your blog or tweak it in some way and so you google it and BAM! I'm so pleased with myself when I manage to do this stuff myself. Well done :0)

    Linsey @

    1. LOL,I just added the new sharing buttons last night to my posts. I get so excited over every little thing ;)

  22. Lol.. Me too. Glad to know I'm not the only one. P.S I just read my comment back and wtf? Lol.. so wing was meant to say 'something' .. I'm on my iPad lol

    1. Hahahaha! My Kindle is the WORST autocorrecter ever. It's gotten embarrassing when I don't check it.

  23. Haha, I'm just in the beginning stages of figuring out how to write blog posts. But creating links/buttons really does help a blog become more dynamic and interactive. Great tip!

    New GFC follower

    -Kat @ Books Are Bread

    1. Every little step ;) That's what I keep telling myself!

  24. Congrats on your button making! I've been meaning to make one myself, just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe this is the push I need. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm a recent follower of you through BlogLovin'.

    -Maria @ Reading the Alphabet

    1. Yay! Glad you stopped by ;) Have a great weekend.

  25. I love your button! It's always so awesome when you learn new little trick that you can add to your blog. I remember being so excited when I learned the html code to align images, so they weren't just staked on top of each other. All these things sound so simple, but you feel totally amazing when they actually work! :D

    Amy @ The Reading Realm

    1. It's ridiculous how excited I get over the smallest thing LOL. I just added better share buttons and it took two seconds....but boy do I feel accomplished LOL.

  26. Hi Meredith,
    I will get excited too the day I will take the time to learn how to make one!!! Where have you found the information about the blog button ?

    Your new follower,

    1. This website has the button generator I used --> and I used Photobucket for the picture/editing. Have a great week ;)

  27. I'm glad you figured out how to make your own button. Learning things like that can be fun. I do most of my own graphics and coding but I learned through google searches just like you. Great job on the button. I followed via Bloglovin' and GFC. :)

    Wanda @ A Book Lover's Retreat

  28. I am not good with buttons! I made one once and haven't been able to since lol
    Thanks for stopping by My FF, I'm an old follower :)

    1. Sounds like me LOL. I try to keep a file of any code I use. I don't always though!

  29. Thnx for the follow! Following back!
    Danielle @ Coffee and Characters
