
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week a question:

How do you handle a book you don't like? Do you DNF or do you power through?

With so many books on my TBR list, if I don't like something I put it down. I will try to get through at least the first three to four chapters to make sure, but usually I know pretty quickly. There are too many books out there I know I will love waiting to be read, so I don't want to waste any time on something that isn't my taste. 

What about you? 


  1. I used to feel like I 'had' to finish a book no matter what. But I've since changed. I've gotten pretty far into a book before I abandoned it, which at that point, makes me sad and sometimes very annoyed, because I really don't like giving up on them.

    1. Yeah, the further along I get the more I want to finish it. I guess it's easier to give up sooner because it's such a let down to make it to the end and just be disappointed :(

  2. Very true! I feel so bad when I abandon a book though! New follower :)

    Follow back?

  3. I think it depends on the book with me! If I think it might get better, I stick it out! Old follower!

    1. I always want to try, but I also don't want to get even more irritated or disappointed when I knew early on it wasn't for me. :) Happy Friday!

  4. I understand exactly what you're saying. Sometimes you just KNOW when you're not going to finish a book.

    My FF!
    New GFC follower!

  5. Very well put. No point of suffering when there's a hundred books out there that you know you will like better. It's not like we ever have a shortage of things to read, right?

    My FF

  6. Yeah that's what I do. I try to read the entire book, but if I can't get into it or it's driving me crazy I DNF it around the halfway point. But it is rare for me to DNF a book.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I haven't had it happen too often. Happy Friday!

  7. New Follower, keep going :)

  8. That's true. Same here :)


  9. Pretty much agree, yeah. I hate to not finish something but I'll DNF if it's not up my alley.

    Old follower. :)

  10. I always try to push through books. I never know if there is something better waiting! I'm a bloglovin follower!

    1. It stinks when I DNF. I try to power through, but sometimes I just know I will be disappointed. Happy Friday!

  11. I also put a book down if I'm just not enjoying it. Too many more books out there that could be amazing!

    New follower via GFC! ^.^

    My FF

  12. If its a book I do not like I will wait till thats all I got to read and finish it I never need to start any book from the being again I always remember them.

    1. I actually had trouble with Delirium, so I put it down for a while. When I picked it back up I ended up enjoying it. So sometimes waiting it out helps :)
