
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blood Rule by Heather Hildenbrand Blog Tour

Blood Rule by Heather Hildenbrand
The Dirty Blood Series, #4
Accendo Press - August 2013

That’s how many hybrids survived the Hunter attack in the woods after I revived them with an injection of my blood. That’s how many followed me home to Frederick Falls. And that’s how many were now mentally linked to me through a blood bond.

Two days. Three valium. Fourteen hours of sleep.
That’s what it took to realize I wasn’t losing my mind as a result of the noise in my own head.

That’s how many days have passed since I almost killed Alex. That’s how many days I’ve sat by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up. To ease the guilt, to understand his betrayal, to remember the exact shade of brown in his eyes.

That’s my chances of skating by with Gordon Steppe and the Hunter Council. They want me for questioning. I’m afraid what’ll happen if I give them answers.

My Review:
Werewolves, Hybrids, Hunters, Oh My!

Seriously, can poor Tara ever catch a break? Like being an Alpha isn’t hard enough. Or flippin’ hearing the thoughts of your entire pack! Ahhh! What about the guilt for her part in putting Alex in a coma? Then, on top of it ALL……every time she tries to enjoy some “Wes Time” George is kinda right in the middle of it? Goodness, how much can a girl take?

But Tara is tough. At first, the whole female as the Alpha thing wasn't an easy sell for me. But this is Tara. And Tara does it well. Even when her roll as Alpha is challenged, she doesn’t back down. Girl Power Baby!

Then we have Wes. How can you NOT love this guy? I mean, he is so devoted and understanding and just

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I like Alex and there will always be a teeny part of me that wants him with Tara, but Wes is the better choice IMO. Sorry TeamAlex! And her evolving relationship with George? Love it!

This is a great, action packed series. A cast of wonderful characters, epic battles, hot werewolves, constant surprises...this series has it all. I could easily dedicate a separate blog post for every character in this series. You will fall in love with them all. And the ending? Well, all I have to say is WHAT ENDING??? Seriously, this is how you will feel after reading the last line:

Well done Ms. Hildenbrand. Well done.

Because now I have NO CHOICE but to stick around for the next book!

By the way, if you haven't started this series, go get the first book, DIRTY BLOOD, FREE on Amazon or B&N!

Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. She now lives in coastal VA, a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, with her two adorable children. She works from home, part time, as a property manager and when she's not furiously pounding at the keyboard, or staring off into space whilst plotting a new story, she's lying on the beach, soaking in those delicious, pre-cancerous rays.

Heather loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.

Heather is a co-founder of Accendo Press, a publishing group she operates with fellow authors: Angeline Kace and Jennifer Sommersby. Accendo (a-CH-endo), A Latin word, means “to kindle, illuminate, inflame, or set fire.” This is something Accendo strives to do inside a reader’s imagination with every title released. For a complete list of titles and author bios, visit

For dates on information on the full tour, go Here

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. thanks for hosting me! and so glad you like it! (well, except for that stellar cliffhanger ending... yeah. don't hate me.)

    1. Grrrrrrr! I'm very impatient when it comes to cliffhangers LOL! But seriously if you're going to have one, you totally know the way to do it!! :)

  2. I haven't read this series, but your review makes me want to.

  3. This series sounds good! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

  4. Replies
    1. If you like shape-shifters, you are in luck!

  5. I like action, I like supes...Blood Rule sounds awesome!

    Thanks for the review, I really liked it! And thanks for the giveaway!


    1. Don't forget to get the FREE copy of Dirty Blodd ;) Good luck!

    2. I had forgotten to but I now just nabbed it!! Thanks for reminding me!

  6. Great post cant wait to read Blood Rule .Have a fantastic day.

    1. Yay! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by ;)

  7. this is gonna be gooood cx

  8. I really liked your review (It definitely did it's job by making me want to read the book.)

  9. Loved the review!! Can't wait to read this!

  10. Looking very good.. had a few friends signing up and ready to love the series too!

  11. I haven't read this series yet, but I'm hoping to get the chance soon! Sounds really great :) Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  12. Replies
    1. LOL, right there with ya! I LOVE when there are several to choose from!
