
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday, Book Blogger Hop, Celebrate the Small Things!

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

Today is the US' Independence Day. Share your favorite book with a war in it, or an overthrow of the government.

So I had to think about this one for while. 
 The Diary of Anne Frank had a huge impact on me.  I enjoyed The Hunt for Red October by Tom Clancy. I've read a lot of dystopians lately that I've liked. Delirium by Lauren Oliver and Divergent by Veronica Roth are my two favorite series. 

Click on the above link for more information on this blog hop from Coffee Addicted Writer.

Do you like/dislike Rafflecopter?

I haven't actually created my own giveaway using Rafflecopter yet. The giveaways on my blog were set up by a book tour group. It seems pretty convenient. As someone who has entered a giveaway with Rafflecopter, I will say that I wish they let you log in using your Twitter profile over Facebook. 

Click on the above link for more information on this blog hop from Scribblings of an Aspiring Author.

First and foremost I want to celebrate this great nation. I am so thankful to live in a country where I am free to live my life without fear of persecution from my government.

On a lighter note I am celebrating that I have a husband that can fix things! We had a power surge during a thunder storm that fried our thermostat. It was stuck on HEAT. HEAT! We've NEVER used the heat in this house. The A/C repair company couldn't make it out for 48 hours. But my husband swooped in and saved the day. He replaced the thermostat and I am thrilled to say we are still enjoying cool air. 

I hope everyone stays cool and has a fabulous weekend!


  1. whew it's hot! happy 4th to you!

    btw, did u know you can log in with an email on rafflecopter, doesnt need to be FB.

    1. It is hot! Too hot. I always forget you can just use email to login. I rarely use FB, but I am always logged into Twitter on my laptop. If rafflecopter used Twitter ids I wouldn't have to log in. It's pure laziness on my part :)

  2. I still have not read Diary of Anne Frank.. shocking yes I know!!

    Angela's Anxious Life

    1. I'm pretty sure I had to read it in school. It was one of the very few required readings I actually got something out of.

  3. Hi, Meredith!

    Love all your answers!!

    I tried to read "The Diary of Anne Frank" when I was in high school, but couldn't finish it. It was just too heart-wrenching... I've heard that "The Hunt for Red October" is a fantastic book, but have never read it. I think a movie was made from it, right? I have the DELIRIUM and DIVERGENT books, but have yet to read them.

    When you start hosting your own giveaways, you'll see just how convenient the Rafflecopter widget is! For me, no more picking names out of a hat! Lol. By the way, I always sign in for giveaways using my Google account.

    HURRAY FOR THE GOOD OL' USA!!! Yes, we're extremely lucky to live in this great nation! I did a Fourth of July post of great reads for this holiday. Hope you check it out! And HURRAY as well for handy hubbies!! Mine is very handy also, especially with computers. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here blogging away! And I can't stand the heat, either! South Florida gets VERY hot and humid in the summer, so we keep our three window units running all day...

    Have a WONDERFUL weekend!! Hope you enjoyed your Fourth!! :)

    1. I wonder if they still require Anne Frank in school. There are really great books out there, dystopians, that show the evil side of gov't, but Anne Frank was real.

      I have to say I enjoyed Divergent more, so I'd read Delirium first. It's really good too. I read Hunt way back when the movie came out. I used to always pick up the book that went along with a movie I saw. I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed it.

      Happy Friday! I'm heading over to your blog now :)

  4. Replies
    1. I haven't read that one. I just checked out your review though, and it sounds pretty interesting!

  5. I can't believe I forgot about Divergent! It just totally escaped my mind!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I've come across quite a few responses I totally didn't think of. I got a bit hung up on the war aspect and at first kept thinking military type novels LOL. j

  6. The Diary of Anne Frank hit me hard too. I can't imagine experiencing what she went through.

    I follow via bloglovin

    MY FF

    1. It was so horrifying. I hope they still read it in school. There are so many great dystopians that can teach these types of lessons, but this was REAL. It happened. It really has such an impact.

  7. I just read Delurium and loved it. Great choice

    1. It's funny, it took me forever to get into the fist one. But I heard so many great things about it I was determined to finish. Then the ending made me so angry I had to keep going. I personally liked the second and third novels better. It was such an interesting take!

  8. Nice post. happy weekend :)


  9. Completely agree. Especially loved "Delirium" by Lauren Oliver. New follower via GFC and Bloglovin'.

    Sydney @ Inquisitive Kittens

    1. I've read a lot of complaints lately about the ending, but I thought it was great. Sometimes, some things are better just left to the imagination :)

  10. I've read none of those except Delirium. It's really depressing that I haven't read The Diary of Anne Frank yet, but I just get myself to read it. I just know it's going to be heart-wrenching!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF! Following back via bloglovin :D .

    1. It is. It's like reading a dystopian fiction, but it's real. It will take you on an emotional journey for sure. Have a great weekend :)

  11. The Diary of Anne Frank is such a touching book! I read it in middle school and just remember thinking wow...I'm the same age and she's had to go through so much. Thanks for stopping by this week and have a great weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

    1. It is one you never forget :) See you next week!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my Book Blogger Post. That is what I object to...all the crazy things you have to do. One is fine, but 30+ things to do is a bit over the top.

    Have a great day.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

    1. It gets so overwhelming. A handful of choices is good enough :)

  13. I've heard of a lot of great things about Delirium but haven't read it yet myself. And of course I've read Divergent. Great book!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've followed via GFC and Bloglovin'.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

    1. It took me a while to get in to Delirium, but it gets better with each book. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I haven't read either of your books, but I want to read the Diary of Anne Frank. In school we had the choice of reading a few books from that time period and I wish I had chose that one. Anyways thanks for commenting and following my blog. :D I am following you back via GFC.

    1. Anne Frank is a tough read, but so worth it. Glad you came by. Have a great weekend.

  15. Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back.

  16. thanks for stopping by meredith :) i totally agree with anne frank. that book really hit me when i read it in high school. i'm an old follower.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

  17. Our upstairs AC doesn't work so when I'm up there, I know what you mean. I'm definitely thankful for air conditioning!

    1. LOL. I don't know what I'd do with out it. Have a great weekend!

    2. And I woke up this morning and the upstairs A/C is broken. Parts won't be in until next week. LOL Fun times :)

  18. Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your recent visit to my blog. Have a great weekend.

  19. Can I "borrow" your husband, please? and thank you. :)

    I used to use Rafflecopter on my blog, but stopped, as you could tell from my post. :)

    1. LOL. He is such the handy man! Thank goodness. Happy Friday!

  20. Hey. Happy Friday. I've seen Divergent pop up a few times this week. Will have to check it out.

    Old follower... Thanks for stopping by my FF.

    Linsey @

    1. It's a great read. Probably my favorite dystopian. Happy Friday!

  21. Have a great weekend! Great FF post! I love Divergent :)
    -Scott Reads It!

  22. Oooo, Diary of Anne Frank! That's a great thought. That one didn't even pop into my head.

    1. I had to think abourt it for a while. That is the one book that just really had an impact. Happy Friday :)

  23. Really great picks!! I completely forgot about The Diary of Anne Frank.
    Thanks for stopping by mine already.

    Old Follower
    Becky @ Book Bite Reviews

  24. Thank You Meredith for stopping by my blog. I followed you on twitter and bloglovin.

  25. I love the Divergent series and I can't wait to see what happens in the final book. If they will stop fighting each other in particular. Congrats on still having A/C, my DH is not very handy, and I would have collapsed in the heat. Thanks for visiting my FF. Old follower.

    LisaILJ @ I’ll Tumble for YA

    1. I'm probably going to have to go back and read Insurgent again. I usually wait until an entire series is out before I start reading just so I can read it all at once and not forget things.

  26. Hooray for Divergent and Delirium! Teehee. :)

    Thanks for visiting my FF!
    Old Bloglovin follower!
    Nina @ The Bookish Confections

  27. Divergent is on my shelf, but I havent picked it up yet.
    New follower via bloglovin'

    1. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Although you might want to wait until the last book is out. Then there is no lag time :) I hate waiting LOL.

  28. Definitely worth celebrating that your hubby fixed that thermostat!!

    1. Well, it was short lived. Now the motor is out and they won't have the part until Monday LOL. Hopefully I will be celebrating cool air again next Friday :)

  29. I think I actually thought of Anne Frank too! I definitely though of Divergent and HG, but decided to go classic. And go hubby for taking care of business! Have a great rest of the weekend Meredith!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. Well, he fixed one thing and now something else on the A/C broke. Such is life I guess LOL. I should call one of the annoying newscasters and see if they want to film roasting a chicken in my bedroom (they are all about showing us you can fry an egg on the ground). Have a great weekend!!

  30. Great choices! Delirium and Divergent are both books that I keep meaning to read, I will find time soon! Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm an old GFC and Bloglovin' follower :)

    1. I'd suggest waiting for the final book in the Divergent series to be released before starting :) I hate waiting LOL. Thanks for stopping by :)

  31. I own both Delirium and Divergent but I just don't have the time to start them! I really want to though, as I'm a huge fan of dystopia novels. This just confirms that I need to read them a lot sooner! :)

    New Bloglovin' Follower!

    My FF HERE.

    -Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

    1. Go with Delirium firs. only because all three are out. I'd wait and start Divergent once the final book is released. I really hate waiting and currently I'm waiting for 4 books to be released. It's driving me crazy :)

  32. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've followed you back on bloglovin.
    I'm not a huge fan of Anne Frank, but we can agree about Divergent!

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) Have a great week.

  33. Thanks for the follow Meredith! :D I followed you on Bloglovin. And I must say you have an amazing blog. I'm loving it! :)

  34. Of course Anne Frank, how on earth did I not think of it - it was such a moving story! An Divergent is another great choice. I'm also looking forward to reading Delirium soon too, it's been on my TBR for a while now!

    Thanks for stopping by - new GFC, Bloglovin & Twittter follower :D

    Amy @ The Reading Realm

    1. Delirium is pretty good. I enjoyed it. I think the books got better as they went along. Have a great week!
