
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday and Celebrate the Small Things

Check out Parajunkee & Alison Can Read for more information on this Friday blog hop and to sign up and join the fun.

This week's Feature is an activity: Photobomb your favorite book!

So my girls got in to this with me. Two jumped in the picture and one snapped the shot. I picked the book I'm currently reading since I can never choose just one favorite. If you haven't read the Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout you are really missing out!

My Girls

Click on the above link for more information on this blog hop from Scribblings of an Aspiring Author.

So, this week I am ONCE AGAIN celebrating air conditioning. Believe it or not the darn thing went out AGAIN! I'm pretty sure this time it was do to a power outage during a thunderstorm. It stopped working after, and our internet has been spotty ever since. We were without A/C upstairs through the holiday weekend and just got it fixed yesterday. The silver lining was it cost less than half the estimate. 

We also enjoyed some quality family time together out of the house (needed places to cool off). We took the kids to see Monsters University and Despicable Me 2. How can you not love those minions?!?! 

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


  1. Old GFC follower, but new bloglovin' follower :) I loved Apollyon! Great pic!

    1. Forgot to give you the link to my FF :( It's at

  2. I finally got my hands on that series, I can't wait to read it!
    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

    1. It is SOOOOO good. The last one doesn't come out for a while which stinks. But I loved it. TeamAiden! LOL.

  3. I have not read that series yet.

    You're girls are little cutie's of what I can see of them. :)

    1. It is such a good read. I couldn't put the books down. And thanks :) Unlike me, any time a camera is around they have to be in the pictures LOL.

  4. Can't see the pic for some reason but yay on the book! Love JLA!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    OId Follower :)

    1. I am so addicted to her books! I've loved every one I've picked up.

  5. We want to catch both those movies too! Have a nice cool weekend :)

    1. The minions were hilarious. I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard. I also don't remember the last time I sat in such a HUGE theater and there wasn't a seat left. Happy Friday!

  6. I need to read that series! I love her Lux series.

    1. It is just as good. Honestly I haven't picked up a JLA book I didn't like. She is an amazing author! Happy Friday!

  7. your girls are so pretty! Glad to see they were havin' fun with their momma!

    I still need to read that book! I have loved the cover forever and have it on my tbr list!

    thanks for stopping by my feature! Old follower!

    Here's my FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

    1. LOL, they love to be in pics. Don't know where they get that from, I'm a behind the camera kind of girl LOL. The series is so good!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's really good. I read them all in a week. Happy Friday!

  10. YAY for JLA! I love your picture - hiding behind the book works! That's what I did anyway ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Old follower!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. LOL, I definitely prefer being behind the camera! Happy Friday.

  11. Cute pic! I'll have to add that to my to-read list. Thanks for visiting my blog. Old follower.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

    1. It's definitely worth the read :) Happy Friday!

  12. Nice pic. :)
    I haven't read the book. There are so many books and so little time.
    Thanks for following. I follow you too.

    1. My TBR list is out of control. I must learn to read faster to eekp up :)

  13. I haven't read the book yet but it's on my TBR. Great pic and what cuties! Thanks for visiting and happy weekend!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  14. I haven't read the Covenant series yet but I hope to get to it soon! As for myself I can never choose a single favorite either :P

    Lovely photo, and I hope you have a great weekend :)

    Old Bloglovin' Follower.

    My FF HERE.
    -Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

  15. I haven't read this series yet. I don't think I'll ever have a manageable TBR list. I love that you have a writing resources section. Happy new bloglovin' follower. Thanks for stopping by and following. Happy Friday, Meredith!

    1. You too! I am right there with ya on the TBR list. Every time I think I'm getting it under control, I add about 20 more LOL.

  16. Ooh, your girls look adorable! I haven't read covenant but it is practically on every blog. I need to read a book by JLA, heard they're amazing!

    1. I haven't picked up a JLA book I haven't loved. I'm so excited to start Frigid Monday :)

  17. Thanks for the #FF love. I am a follower now via BL!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Meredith! Looking forward to our future #FF! Enjoy the day!

  18. Great Picture and I have been wanting to read her books hoping to read them or at least one soon ;)

    Old Follower Twitter
    New Bloglovin and GFC

    Have a great weekend

    Michelle@Because reading is better than real life

    1. I have loved every JLA book I've picked up. So excited to get Frigid Monday. :)

  19. I LOVED Apollyon, and can't wait for Sentinel! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Old Bloglovin' follower :)

    Ashley @ Book Junkie: Not-So-Anonymous

  20. I haven't read anything by Jennifer Armentrout, but I've been seeing a lot of reviews for Obsidian lately. Nice picture!
    New bloglovin follower!

    - Kritika at Snowflakes and Spider Silk

    1. I've read several from her and I've loved all of them. :) Glad you came by!

  21. I LOVE the Covenant series! I I loved Apollyon, but Deity is my favorite one so far! Great picture and great pick!

    Thanks fr stopping by Take Me Away...

    1. I am going crazy waiting for Sentinel, which means it's time to start something new LOL. Got to get my mind off Alex and Aiden for a while :)

  22. Love that your girls got involved..super cute! I haven't read Apollyon yet, but I adore the rest of the Covenant series. New Bloglovin follower.

    Happy Friday!

    1. Put if least until closer to the release of Sentinel. I HATE waiting now and Apollyon left a major cliff hanger! Ugh. :)

  23. Hi Meredith, it's great your girls are getting into books so early - I'm sure it is that and not having their photo taken. Following you back on Bloglovin'

    1. It's both LOL. They do love books and I'm thankful for that. They are even working on their own picture book this summer. Thanks for stopping by!

  24. Ouh! Color ereader. I'm sure your girl will be asking for one soon :D Thanks for stopping by my FF. Old follower.

    1. LOL, she already did. Got her a Nook since they are so cheap now :)

  25. I have yet to read this series. I was kind of waiting until I had all the current books before staring it.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF. Happy Friday. Old Follower.

    Marilyn @ Marilyn's Mystery Blog

    1. Definitely wait LOL. I hate waiting for the next release in a series. I usually do wait until all the books are out, but I've broken the rule a bit lately. There are five I'm waiting on and it's killing me LOL :)

  26. I'm yet to read the Covenant series, but I'm not a hug JLA fan anyways. Your choice is great though, lots of people have loved these books! Great pic!

    Thank you for stopping by my post earlier. New follower via Bloglovin'.

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

    1. It's not for everyone :) Glad you came by! Have a great weekend.

  27. Great Series! I love Jennifer Armentrout!
    Thanks for stopping by!
    Following back!
    Ashley @ Nook of Books

    1. I'm so excited Frigid will be released Monday! Something to tide me over until the Sentinel comes out.

  28. Your girls are so cute!!! Haven't read that series. But it's in my TBR. Thanks for stopping by, Meredith!

    Old Bloglovin follower.
    NIna @ The Bookish Confections

    1. Thanks :) They are a handful, but fun. Thanks for popping in.

  29. I love that series and your picture is so cute!!!! The Host movie...I personally hated it. Some people loved it but I thought they did it wrong. I think I may have written an extremely long winded blog post about what they did differently in the movie than in the book. Thank you so much for stopping by I appreciate it so so much and I hope you have a great weekend with your girls and your books!!

    1. I'll check out your post then. Yeah, I was worried how they planned to handle the movie. I put if off because I wanted to see how it went over. I didn't want to be too disappointed. It's rare the movie is ever even close to being as good as a book, but you always still hope :) Have a great weekend.

  30. Replies
    1. You just can't NOT smile when you see them :)

  31. When calamities make for great quality time, they are worth the hassle. But hopefully coolness and steady electricity will be restored solidly to your home soon. :) Writer’s Mark

    1. Always true. Sometimes the small silver linings are worth the hassle :)

  32. I haven't read the Covenant series, maybe it should be added to my ridiculously long TBR list lol
    Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm an old follower :)

    1. I here ya, I can't keep up and it's driving me crazy :)

  33. Oooh Apollyon! I admit I have the first 3 Covenant books but hadn't started them. At this point, I'm just going to wait for Sentinel so I can read the series back to back. :D Great pic Meredith!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

    1. Smart move. For some reason, with all of the other books and work I've got going on, I thought it would take me longer than a week to get through the series. I thought wrong and now I'm just irritated I have to wait!

  34. Hi I'm following thru from Parajunkie's follow friday.
    Following you on Bloglovin & GFC!

    You can follow me back at "Literary Quill Promotions"

  35. I love JLA's Lux series, but haven't read the Covenant books yet. I do have Half-Blood waiting on my stack of library books though! :) I love that you involved your daughters in the photobomb. They're so cute! I'm following you on Twitter, Bloglovin and GFC. Thanks for visiting my FF. :)

    1. So glad you came by. I haven't read a JLA book I didn't like yet. I've got Frigid next on my must read JLA list :) You will love the Covenant series.

  36. Adorable picture! I have been wanting to read Covenant for awhile now. I'll definitely bump it up in my to-read list. :]

    1. It's such a fantastic series! Although you may want to wait until Sentinel releases in November. Then you don't have to wait LOL :)

  37. First of all, J.L. Armentrout is an amazing author and that series is one of my favorites. Second of all, We took my little cousins to see Despicable Me 2 the Saturday it came out. They loved it and the Boys II Men song the Minions did WITH the white suits on had me in absolute tears. I couldn't breathe for a minute or too.

    Air conditioning is certainly something to celebrate. I live in Georgia and the weather is super muggy, we have swamp heat, and I have curly hair. My car has no air conditioning. So getting from one place to another always requires a towel and gatorade. It sucks.

    Well I'm a follower via every way I can! I hope you have an amazing day!!
