
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Feature & Follow, Book Blogger, and Celebrate the Small Things!

I am excited to participate in the awesome Feature & Follow hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  Check out their fabulous websites for the info and join the Hop! Follow me via bloglovin' or GFC and I will always follow back. 

This week's question:

What is your preferred reading format? Hardcover, eBooks, paperback etc?

Well, up until about three weeks ago I would have said I had to have a book in my hands. And while I still love to hold a physical book (I'm not picky, a hardcover or paperback is fine), I am starting to love my Kindle. It doesn't replace the real thing for me, but it is extremely convenient.

So would you read a book just because of the hype?

My answer....sometimes. It depends on the author. If it's one I love, I'm probably reading the hyped book anyway. There are some that I've read because everyone was talking about them (Divergent, Delirium, Harry Potter). But there are others I still haven't picked up (ahem...50 Shades) and I just never will.

This week I am celebrating family time and the library! I honestly don't know what I'd do with my kids this summer if the library didn't offer so many wonderful programs. If you haven't been to your local library recently you should really check it out. A big shout out to all the librarians!

I am also celebrating the fact that Drop Dead Diva is back! I just love this show. If you have never tuned in, try it. It's a hoot (yes, I said hoot)!

TGIF Everyone!


  1. I agree with the feeling of physical books. New follower!
    Check out my FF at

  2. I used to never think I would give up having the actual book in my hand...but having to wait for a book to be delivered because I couldn't find it in the store got to be a pain. Then the more I started reading e-books, the more I loved them and now that's mainly what I have. Thanks for stopping by this week Meredith! Have a great weekend :)

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

    1. I was reluctant too! I thank the Kindle for my massive collection now too LOL. :)

  3. Ebooks are sometimes more practical. I mean it costs less, there's less clutter, and it's more convenient for traveling. But then again, I LOVE the printed word. For me it really doesn't matter as long as I have a book in my hands!
    My FF

    1. Definitely! Print is so wonderful, but just give me the book :)

  4. Ah the library. It has been many years since I've been in one. I had so much fun visiting libraries. It was like a magic mystery tour. That's certainly reason for celebration. :)

    1. I just adore the library. My home away from home :) I think I just miss having books of my own, the library is a nice place to pretend all of those shiny hardcovers belong to me!

  5. Hopping through. I read quite a few books based on the hype. Divergent, Delirium, and Harry Potter are all for that reason. I liked Divergent and HP but not Delirium so much.
    My Hop

    1. It took me a long time to get into Delirium. I think it sat on my nightstand for several weeks. But I finally made myself get through it. I absolutely hated the ending, so I had to read more. Thankfully I enjoyed the second and third book much more :)

  6. I agree, I like physical copies but eBooks are so convenient
    New GFC and Bloglovin follower
    My FF at the NerdHerdReads

  7. I just recently got an e-reader too, and that has made reading e-books a lot easier. But I have to admit I still prefer paperbacks, so I hope they won't be replaced with e-books anytime soon :)

    New follower!

    Christina @ Book Lover Recommends

    1. I am with you, nothing can replace the real thing :) Happy Friday and thanks for the follow!

  8. New reader! :) I love your blog.

  9. i was the same as you... before getting my kindle i would've said physical books but i grew to love e-books.

    i'm new follower via bloglovin'. hope you can stop by our FF post.

    -michelle @ Michelle & Leslie's Book Picks

    1. I hopped over! I never thought I'd get the Kindle, but now I can't imagine living without it!

  10. *is a library assistant* - You're welcome :D I love the library during the summer, seeing all the kids doing the reading challenge. I can't wait for that to start :)

    1. My girls just signed up for that! And an extra cheers to you :) Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Yeah I love me the real book too, but I still use my kindle.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Sitting at the beach today I realized there are certain instances where the Kindle will never match the real thing LOL!

  12. Awesome post. Happy weekend :)


  13. I love my kindle more and more as well

    1. It's such a toss up. After going to the beach today I realized there are some times where a Kindle just doesn't cut it :)

  14. I'm the same way. I read both. Sometimes print, but when I need the convenience, often I use my kindle. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Friday! :D Old follower here.

  15. new follower :) I also tend to pick up hyped books if I love the author. Others I pick up because it sounds good, and sometimes I just want to see what all the fuss is about - not always a good idea, especially with 50 shades..

    tina @

  16. I'm with you on the Kindle-real book issue. I really enjoy both, but the "real" book is my favorite!

    1. There is nothing better than holding a good book in your hands :)

  17. I converted to Kindle several months ago. While I miss the feeling of a new book in my hands, I have to admit the Kindle is so convenient!
    New follower via Bloglovin.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

    1. I agree completely. Glad you came by! Happy Friday!

  18. Thanks for stopping by! I still love my physical copy lol, and they look so good on the shelf, haha! New Bloglovin' follower!

    Erin @ Jump Into Books

    1. I agree. The Kindle just looks odd on the bookshelf LOL. Happy Friday!

  19. Old follower. I agree! Darn convenient ebooks! MY FF Blog the Eclectic

  20. I prefer hardcovers because I get so annoyed when a paperback comes in the mail dented. Even the smallest dent bothers me so much and I love how hardcovers are harder to damage. New follower via GFC & Bloglovin':)
    -Scott Reads It!

    1. Nothing competes with a brand new hardcover! Thanks for the follow :)

  21. I agree! I was so against an Ereader but I love it now. Old follower.

  22. I never understood why my husband wanted a Kindle. Until he got one. I fell in love and had to buy my own!

    Old follower. :)

    Bettering Me Up

    1. I never got it either, now I can't live without it :) Always good to "see" you!

  23. Same here! :) Although hardcovers and paperbacks will always hold a special place in my heart, I'm more of a Kindle user now because there just so easy to carry around.

    Thanks for stopping by! Old Follower.
    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

    1. It's tough. I hate that I buy ebooks more, but my wallet loves it and thus allows me to purchase more LOL. Happy Friday!

  24. I will agree the kindle is very convenient, i just can't get over the feel of a real book in my hand!

    thanks for stopping by my post!

    old follower!

    Here's My FF

    Amber @Paradise of Pages

    1. I totally agree. My wallet loves the ebook, but I miss the real thing :( Happy Friday!

  25. Thanks for visiting :) And yes, yay for libraries!

  26. I agree i love being able to have the book but its so dang convinint to read via kindle! thanks for following! Im following back on Bloglovin' ~ Katie @ Inkk

    1. It's a tough choice, but price and convenience sometimes trump the real thing.

  27. Love who handy ebooks are but I'm still completely devoted to my physical books. They're not replaceable... like ever... never lol! Also, I'm totally will read a book if a lot of hype is surrounding it... sue me! Lol like you, I read Divergent and the Harry Potter series because everyone else squealed about them, and I really loved them as well. (P.S. I read 50 shades... I liked it lol!) New follower via GFC and old follower via bloglovin'
    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

    1. *Love HOW handy...
      *Also, I totally will...

      Obviously, I typed that comment with my butt... so excuse the typos :P

    2. Ebooks could definitely never replace a real book! I wish I could afford more hardcovers AND had more space in my house for them LOL. Best book I ever picked up thanks to all the hype was HP. So glad I did that and can't believe how long it took me too!

  28. Thanks for stopping by at A Cliffhanger Crisis! I'm a new follower via email.

  29. Thanks for visiting :) New follower!

  30. Replies
    1. I'm so nervous this will be the last season. Will be a shame to lose such a fun/original show. Now if they would only bring Fred back :)

  31. There are pros and cons to both ebooks and print books... as long as I can read I'll be happy. I do love the feel and smell of physical books, though. :)

    And as a librarian - thanks for the shout out! We love providing families with fun, free things to do that promote literacy and togetherness.

    Thanks for stopping by my FF... new follower via bloglovin.

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

    1. Yay for librarians! I am so devoted to the ones near me. And my kids love going! They've been very busy here lately which warms my heart. So glad you came by!

  32. I think I'm becoming a little bit too addicted to my Kindle lately. Too many free and $0.99 deals! lol Thanks for stopping by my FF Meredith :)

    Old follower

    Sheri @ Tangled Up In Books

  33. Thanks for droppping by have a great weekend!

  34. I used to be a hard core book only girl. Then I discovered that a lot of those sexier books that I wanted to read and just weren't carried by my local bookseller were actually cheaper online. It was still several years before I got my first ereader. I was gifted a Sony personal reader and while it took me some time to get into it, I quickly fell in love. I have since upgraded to the Sony touchscreen. About the only time I want an actual dead tree book is when I am skimming looking for a specific scene. Otherwise, love the ereader.

    Great answer by the way on the Book Blogger Hop. I haven't read Twilight or its bastardized offspring 50 Shades and have no plans to either.

    Love to Librarians!!! Our local library system is even giving away 2 bicycles this summer to the girl and boy that read the most books. They are offering weekly classes on varying days at each of the local county libraries in different age groups. God love them, it's like they actually enjoy the little carpet mice or something. *grin*

    1. I never thought I'd like the ereader. I'm pretty sure at one point I swore I'd never get one. I have no clue why I say things like that anymore. Pretty much any time I use the word never, I'm doomed to do the opposite LOL. Although the one thing I can say never about is 50 Shades. Too many reasons I don't want to read it.

      That is awesome about the bikes. It stinks because the libraries do such a great job getting books in kids hands, then the schools dismiss them if they aren't on the required reading list. It drives me crazy. But that's for a different post LOL.

      So glad you stopped by :) Oh, I will say I finally gave in and read Twilight. But that was after the movie came on TV and I posted how bad it was. Everyone said if I read the book I'd get it. I did like the first one, but it went a bit downhill after that. The last one was *meh*.

  35. Yes, it's amazing how many programs the library have available, which is great after a moment several years ago of them going away. Writer’s Mark

    1. I know! It seems like yesterday they were talking of shutting so many down and cutting hours. Now they are thriving and, at least here, always packed.

  36. In reference to your Friday Follow answer, I do prefer hardcovers, but will take a paperback if a hardcover is not available, or if the PB cover is prettier. But an e-book? No. Way. I love printed books too much!! :)

    You have excellent taste if you don't pick up 50 Shades! That's TRASH. I never read erotica. Too kinky for me! So there are books I refuse to read, in spite of all the hype.

    As for your third answer, I totally agree!! YAY for families and libraries!!! (Although I haven't been to a library in a LOOONG time,lol.) As for that Diva show, I've never heard of it, thanks to my evening part-time job....

    Happy Reading!!! :)

    1. Diva's on Lifetime during the summer. It's just so fresh and funny. Different than most shows now.

      I love printed books and wish my pocket could handle my obsession (I bought 8 books today alone), but the only way I can own everything I love is to go the ebook route. Of course for my absolute faves I have to splurge and get the shiny hardcover to proudly display.

      Thanks for stopping by :)

  37. I'm getting a kindle for my birthday! Im so excited to start using it! I'll probably start reading more ebook because of it.

    Bloglovin and GFC follower

    Thanks for stopping by My FF

    1. I LOVE mine!! I downloaded 8 free ebooks today! (And several that weren't). I never thought I'd like it, but I do. Enjoy :) And thanks for stopping by.

  38. Yay for Kindle! I love physical books still, but my affair with Kindle is undeniable :)

    1. The temptation just got too strong and now I can't stop hitting the one-click buy button. It really needs to be at least four clicks.

  39. I pretty much feel the same! I love to have a physical book, but I'd be lost without my kindle now lol
    Thanks for stopping by my FF, I'm an old follower :)

    1. My obsession is getting bigger.....Nooks are dirt cheap so I bought one. Ahhhhhhhh1

  40. I feel the same way, Meredith. As long as I can read, I'll take any format. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now following you via GFC & BL. Have a great week!
